Experiments, Experiments, Experiments.

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Anianu's POV
I was glitching talking to the voices in my head as usual. When the usual voice that came over the speaker said for us to go to the Experiment room. I haven't ever seen any other hostile units but I've heard them in the other rooms. But when the voice came over the speaker it said something different. Instead of releasing us one by one....it told us all to go at once. The door opened and I was still in my corrupted version so I floated out as glitches and dark smoke surrounded me. I saw others walk out. I saw what looked like a normal girl, a boy with blueish hair, a small winged child, two girls with braids, and a girl with metal arms and wolf ears...I didn't make eye contact and continued walking to the experiment unit
When we got there I saw the workers and instantly glared at them. The others had different reactions. The twins just stared and looked around, the child curled into a ball as if they were scared, the wolf girl growled, the blue haired boy clenched his fists and looked around almost ready to attack and the normal looking girl summoned dark matter at her palms. The voice over the speaker spoke again.
"Now, I have all of you here to meet each other. Just to see how you will react to other things of your......type." I always hated how they called us that.  We're just as human as others....just different but not "things". Some looked around. The girl put her hands down and the tension in the room seemed to calm down. I still didn't know their names. The voice over the speaker spoke once again. "All of you introduce yourselves..."   that's where things would get out of hand...

Yup! A cliff hanger!! Sorry I just had to. Well I might post later tonight or tomorrow. I'm still going to be posting daily!
~Error out!~

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