{insert Title} im to lazy

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Anianu's POV
I woke back up feeling weaker than ever.  I was more alert when one of the voices in my head spoke again.
"Come on Anianu...stop being so weak....no wonder you were abandoned here..." I gripped my head in my hands. "Just shut up for once will ya?" I said quietly under my breath.  The cell door opened for everyone as guards stood outside as usual. The speaker came on. "All hostile subjects go to the experiment lab."
(When I typed 'to' it auto corrected to tit lol)
I got up as I could barley stand. Right as I stood up I collapsed to my knees. I growled under my breath, irritated. I stood up and went I to my corrupted form and floated. Bad idea. It made me even more weak. I just grunted and floated out of my cell. Some of them looked at me in shock. I looked down to see many cuts and bruises from the other day. I just rolled my eyes and continued to head to the experiment lab.  I wonder what they are having us do today.  My question was soon answered.  "Today you will be testing your strength against each other.  You can't kill each other. I'm looking at you Anianu.." I just snickered and rolled my eyes still in my corrupted version I glitched.  "You may start.  No hanging up on each other.  We wouldn't want a death and it wouldn't be fair. " I saw Liam look at me.  He transformed into a black panther as he charged at me. I just floated a little higher out of his reach. He growled in frustration and jumped scratching my ankle. I laughed.  It glitched as I laughed making it sound more creepy.  When he charged again I glitched behind him and smoke gathered around him as he floated. I didn't suffocate him but I just made him float and I threw him.  He went into his human form and looked at me again with a confused look. "What are ya looking at." I asked. I soon fell out of my corrupted version. I tried to stand but instantly fell to my knees. I stood up again on wobbling legs and stood straight up as painful as it was. The cuts looked even worse when I wasn't in my corrupted version since my skin was its normal color and black smoke wasn't surrounding me.  Liam stood up and walked over since I threw him.  "Man what happened to ya"  he asked.  He was kinda nice I mean he stopped attacking when I was down.. but that could just be out of pity. "Why do you care?" I asked putting a little venom into my tone.  "I mean you're hurt,  and weak. I saw ya yesterday. You looked almost insane." I laughed at his words. "I can be like that. You looked almost scared when you sa-"
I was interrupted by another voice in my head.
" come on Anianu. Why are you talking to him. KILL him.....
Eheheh....Attack hIm. That's what you're suppose to be doing isn't it?"  What is up with the voices today? "Would you just SHUT IT..." I said a bit louder than I wanted to.  My hands were on my head. I hadn't noticed that Liam was saying my name trying to get my attention.  I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him.  "You alright?"  He asked. "Y-yeah. I'm fine just the voices are messing with me.." I shouldn't of said that.....
"The voices?" He asked
well this is going to take some explaining.....

Hope ya enjoyed that chapter! Sorry it was short I had some things to do today.
I hope y'all like this!
~Error Out!~

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