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Evi's POV
That stupid glitch tried to kill me. Where ever she went I hope I don't see her again. Wonder where that Liam kid went. Don't know don't care. I was pacing my cell when I heard a painful wince come from the hallway. I peeked put the door to see Liam with bloodied bandages around his arm as he looked in pain. 'Wonder what happened to him..' I thought. Why do I care. I went back to pacing my cell when the speaker said all of us need to go to the experiment lab again. All of us were released from our cells. I didn't see the glitch. Good. Liam walked out as he had his bandaged arm behind his back. I decided to go over to him. "What happened to you" I said as a chuckled a little. I was a tad bit taller than him. "Training..." he said as he sighed. "Looks like more than just Training. What do you train with? "I have to fight. This time I had to fight a bull. Wasn't very fun." I laughed thinking he was lying. I mean he's so short! He has to be lying. "What's so funny?" He asked. "You're joking right?" I said as I looked at him. He shook his head with a 'really?' Face. "I'm a shape shifter. It doesn't look as big as a wound when you're a lion." He said as he chuckled. Before I could ask any questions we arrived at the experiment lab where we met up last time. "Ok subjects today you will be showing your powers." Liam seemed to freeze. As he mumbled. "So much for bandages." I didn't know what he meant. "Liam. Show your power to the rest of the..things" he rolled his eyes. He went to the front of the room as bones cracking and kicked ripping could be heard as his form shifted into a lion. It was black with blue markings on the face as the bandages shredded. 'Oh..that's what he meant..' I thought. He roared loudly. Before changing back into his human form and his arm had ripped stitches and a bone had been poked out of the skin. He sighed and walked back down. "Mythia." A girl walked up. She looked pretty normal to me until dark matter formed in her hands and created a portal next to her out of black magic. The portal disappeared and she walked back down. "Ziana and Zilola" two twin girls walked up. In the blink of an eye they were gone and hen they reappeared. They also made each other float with telekinesis. They walked back down. "Demon" a small girl slowly walked up as her ripped wings wrapped around her. Stitches wrapped around her body. She took a small knife from the pocket of her dress and cut off her hand as it dropped to the floor. In a couple of seconds it regenerated but there was a stitch mark around her wrist now.
"Evi" as the girl walked down I walked up. I changed into a black and gray wolf with gleamed red eyes as I snarled my mouth foaming. Before changing back Liam's face lit up. I guess he was happy to have another shapeshifter. Even though I can only change into a wolf. I walked back down.
I still wonder-
Where is the glitch?

I'm really liking this book so far! I hope you guys like it too! Well I guess I should end this chapter off! Thanks for all the reads I have so far!
~error out!~

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