IM NOT DED (yet)

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lol sorry i had stuff going on and school is a pain in the ass but on with the next chapter!

Anianu's POV
"the voices?" Liam asked as he looked at me
well...this'll take some explaining......
i laughed nervously and rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "its not important." i said as i looked down. "it looks to me that it is." why was he being so nice damnit!
"its really no-" another voice interrupted.
"so we're not important to you Aninanu....heheheh....we will be. after all we are all you do as we say and KILL HIM" all of the voices joined at the last part. i gripped my head in my hands as my head began pounding. "ShUt uP!" i said as my voice glitched. Liam looked at me as i collapsed since i was so weak. "Anianu!" Liam yelled as he went to help me up. when i was on my feet i went into my glitched corrupted form and floated. he looked at me and whispered something. "want to go where the others arent and we can actually TALK about this" why did he want to help me...isnt everyone here hostile. i guess some of them have a heart in there. "sure if thats what you want kid." he laughed. "i bet im older than you!" he said as he laughed. "bet. how old are you?" i asked. he smirked "15" he said as he looked almost proud of himself. i playfully punched him in the shoulder. "were the same age buddy" i laughed as i was at least three inches taller than him on my feet. his proud stance left as he made a sad face as he laughed which caused me to laugh.
"ok so lets talk about this." i hadnt even noticed we had reached my cell. i kinda laughed it off and spoke. "so you want to know about the voices in my head? sheesh kid." he nodded as he looked almost worried.  "well lets see. lets start from the beginning. i was just the same as any other kid. running playing, you know enjoying life. that was until my parents saw that my eyes could change colors depending on my mood. the most common was a deep red which symbolizes anger. i got this feeling a lot. since i basically raised myself and my parents didnt give flying damn i learned from experience of how to live for myself.  i usually stole things from my dads workshop since he made knifes. i still have a couple. but anyways they thought i was a demon because of my eyes. they ended up sending me here in this hell hole and thats where the voices started. there are many different ones symbolizing different things. different emotions.  the most common ones are Death and Anger." as i said the names my eyes switched from their usual teal color to black, then red, then back to teal. showing the colors. "that's actually the voice that was talking to me while i was fighting you. kept telling me to kill ya. but if youre wondering where this came from." i said gesturing to he glitches and black smoke around me. "this came from the experiments done on me. since they like to see where my limit is, they drove me to insanity and gave me basically black magic which is really bad since the voices take over. theyre not just simple voices ive made up in my head.





that control me

and i cant stop them"

mk thats it for this chapter. my phones about to die but ima update a bunch this weekend sooooo bai

~Error Out!~

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