Chapter 7

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Thomas's P.O.V~

I woke up about half an hour before Clint and Jeff were meant to come back here. Newt was true to his word and sat with me the entire time. "Newt..." He nods at me before I can finish my sentence. "I know Tommy. We need to keep the number of people who know as low as possible." I lower my head from where I was sat. "Sorry. I can't help but feel like this one is my fault. If I hadn't called for you they wouldn't have found out." He sighs and sits on the edge of my bed. "Tommy, even if you didn't call for me. You were in pain and I couldn't bear listening to it. I would have gone to you anyway." I shake my head as he sits next to me on my bed. "I guess not much has changed then. Oh right, Newt did you regain any memories from before the maze. During... that... whole, thing?" Nodding he turns to me. "Yeah, yeah I did. I only remembered a few things but I remember you, us. We were inseperable before the maze aswell." I wrap my arm around his waist and pull him closer to me. "Good to know that didn't change." Before Newt can reply the door to the hut opens and in walks Jeff and Clint. "Sup you two." I nod a hello at the two of them. Silently the two pull up a chair each and sit down beside the bed. "So? What did you need to tell us?" Wearily Newt takes a deep breath. "You're just gonna have to believe what I tell you now. No matter how far fetched." They both nod quickly so Newt looks up at me solemnly. I nod my head so he starts talking again. "Okay,well then strap in."

~Time skip 1 hour~

Newt had finished explaining our story about 5 minutes ago. But the two of them are just sat there, almost as if they're trying to process what he's just told them. Another minute of silence before they stand up nodding. "Alright, seems credible enough. But from what I've gathered you need to rest Thomas. Especially if the girl comes up tomorrow like you said." I just nod in agreement as they put the chairs back and head for the door. Jeff turns around and taps his nose before they leave. "Don't worry, we won't tell anyone. We won't even speak of it again." I feel Newt relax next to me at the confirmation. "Thanks you guys." They nod and wave before heading out of the hut. "We should probably get some sleep Newt." He nods and curls into me. "Yeah, good job your so comfy then Tommy." I roll my eyes fondly and pull him even closer to me before closing my eyes hoping the world of sleep will take over.

I verbally groaned at the intrusion.
"Hello Teresa."
"Tom I just..."
"Triggered the ending yeah, I know."
"How did you know?"
"Good night, Teresa. I'll see you in the morning."

Newt looked up at me smirking slightly. "You alright Tommy? Look like you've got a headache." I shake my head at his joke. "You could say that." He curls into me more. "She gonna let you sleep." I laugh and pull the cover up. "She doesn't have a choice cause I'm gonna ignore her if she doesn't." Newt just laughs and closes his eyes his head resting on the crook of my neck.

I woke up before Newt did, but decided to stay still so I didn't wake him up. That was until Minho burst into the hut. "Today's the day right?" Minho stops infront of the bed and looks down at Newt who curled closer into my chest. Looking back up he raises an eyebrow mockingly. "Slim it. But anyway, yes today is the day. Gally's been keeping an eye on him right?" He nods quickly worried for his other runner. "Minho, he'll be fine. I promise I don't want anyone else to die if I can stop it." He visibly relaxes at the sound of that before sitting on the chair. "How long till the runners head out?" He looks out the window towards Fry's kitchen. "About half an hour. When's she gonna get here?" I follow his gaze out the window. "About half an hour." Minho nods and stands up. "Thomas..." I look back to him nodding before he can finish the sentence. "He'll be fine Minho. You be careful. We need you to be up and running still in a couple days." He laughs and points at my side. "You're one to talk mate." I roll my eyes as Newt starts to stir. "Go on. You need to get some food." He nods and runs out the door. "Tommy..." I look down to see Newt opening his eyes. "Yeah Newt?" He sits up and rubs at his eyes before speaking. "Please tell me that you're not gonna trust her when she gets here." I sit up with him and stare at him softly. "Newt, there is no way that I'm going to trust her. As much as I want to, I can't. So no I'm not going to. I'm not going to tell her the plan either. That way if, or when she betrays us there is no risk of her telling them our plan." He smiles at me weakly before pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry Tommy. I know that she means a lot to you, what with you two being connected and all." I hug him back tightly. "You're right she is important to me. But you're important to me too Newt. And if me loosing her, means I can keep you. So be it." He pulls away a little smiling sadly. "Knowing you Tommy you'll probably be able to find away to join our side." I laugh slightly as he stands up just as the alarm starts. "The witch is early. Come on Tommy." I stand up slowly and follow him out of the room.

Alby looks up at me and Newt as we walk up nodding his head. We both know what that means. I believe you. Which is good because we're gonna need him to. Jeff and Clint throw her onto a stretcher as the Gladers start staring at me. She must have already woken up. "What?" I see Newt smirk beside me knowing I'm just playing along. Aby coughs to grab the attention. "She said your name. So? Recognise her?" I shake my head quickly. "No. sorry." He starts following Jeff and Cliff. "Follow me." Newt nods as we follow behind him. He waves Gally over aswell. Once we get into the hut I take the serum out of her pocket. "Here. Gally, give this to Ben. It'll cure him." He looks taken aback but desides not to question it instead taking the serum from me before running towards the Homestead. "Alright. I believe you. So what do we need to do?" I look down at Newt who just nods at me. "We need to prepare to leave. When Teresa came up she triggered The Ending. In 3 days we need to be ready to move." Alby nods slowly. "Alright. Let's start planning then." I shake my head quickly to the suprise of Alby. "Not here. I don't know when she'll wake up and I'm not trusting her with our plan." Alby nods understanding however Newt looks at me suprised. "I told you Newt. She gets one chance but I'm not just gonna hand it to her." He smiles at me as we leave for the Homestead.

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