Chapter 8

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Newt's P.O.V~

I had gotten Alby to agree to Thomas running the maze so he was officially made a runner. He ran with Minho trying to make sure his wound wouldn't slow him down in the days to come. Unfortunatley to my dismay he came back with Minho at the end of every run tired and saying his stitches hurt. "Tommy, please if you just rest for a couple days you'll be fine?" He shook his head as Jeff checked his stitches. "You know I can't Newt. Besides it's best if I run the maze with the stitches and get used to it rather than wait for them to almost heal and get hurt in the maze." I look to Jeff hoping he could back me up. Chuckling he shakes his head holding up his hands. "Don't look at me, he's right." I sigh and sit back in my chair. "I've said it once and I'll say it again. I hate it when your plans have logic cause it usually involves you getting hurt." He laughs and pulls his shirt down when Jeff pulls away. "No you've definitley said that more than once." I stand up quickly and move for the door. "Well then maybe you should listen to what I'm saying." With that I ran out of the door ignoring Tommy shouting after me. "Shuck. Newt I didn't..." I left and walked to the Gardens but only got halfway when he caught up with me. Curse him for being a runner. "Newt, I'm sorry. I don't mean to upset you, really, I don't. It's just I hate to watch people get hurt, especially if I can do something about it." I turn around to face him slightly, just about remembering to keep my voice down. "And by doing so you knowingly throw yourself into harms way?" He nods slowly dropping his head. "Tommy. I understand how you feel. But please don't throw your life away to save someone else. Don't get me wrong all of these shanks are important to me. But none of them are important the same way you are." He raises his head slightly. "I'm not going to make a promise I can't keep Newt. So I'm not going to say I'll stop being reckless and putting other people before myself. But I will promise you that I will always come back to you alive." I smile softly and look at him knowing that's all I can do at the moment. "I wouldn't ask you to make a promise like that. Nor would I ask you to change who you are. But if you can keep that promise and come back alive every time, I suppose I can live with that." He smiles before facing the Homestead. "I need to go see if Ben remembers anything incase it causes problems later on." I nod but stop him as he goes to walk away. "Are you still going to tell them later?" He shifts his gaze from me to the Homestead."I have to, we need Gally for the plan and I have no doubt he'll tell Ben. I mean I'd tell you." I nod and let go of his wrist before he jogs towards the Homestead.

Watching Tommy run off I turned around and headed to the Gardens. "Sup Newt." I wave at the Keeper as I walk towards my normal section. "Every thing good?" I nod my head. "Yep just worried about this morning." He nods his head in understanding. I'm not technically lying. I was sorta thinking about Teresa, but mainly how we have to keep our plan out of her sight. The plan should be set in mtion tonight. 2 days before we're set to leave. I did say we could leave earlier and really catch them off guard but Tommy helpfully pointed out that we need Teresa awake or it'll be harder to move. "..wt.. oi!" Zart snaps his fingers infront of my face before sighing. "Go on. You're clearly not gonna be able to focus so go work out what's going on with the girl and come back tomorrow got it?" I nod quickly. "Got it. Thanks Zart." He just waves me off as I run slowly towards the Homestead. "Gally! Drop him!" Gally turns to me shocked to hear my voice. "What do you mean drop him he's the reason we're here!" I pinch the bridge of my nose and stare at Tommy who just shakes his head. Grrat he hasn't even managed to tell them yet. "I know Gally! So if you would please get back inside I can explain to you and Ben." He drops Tommy but doesn't move. "NOW!" He scampers in upon hearing me raise my voice. Even Tommy flinches a little bit, oh yeah,the last time he heard me raise my voice was when he found out I was turning. He follows me inside slowly. Once inside I grab his hand and roll up my sleeve. "I'm okay Tommy, I'm still me." He relaxes and follows me into the room where Ben was still asleep on the bed. "Wake him up." Gally nods and shakes him awake. "Okay so we need to tell you something because we need your help for the plan. But you can't talk about this outside of these walls or with anyone other than me, Tommy, Minho, Alby, Jeff and Clint. Got it?" Gally looks from me to Tommy and then to Ben. "Got it?" He nods quickly. "Good. Now listen up. First I'm gonna tell you every thing you need to know, then Tommy here is gonna tell you the plan." He looks up from me to Tommy who was leaning against the wall behind me. "Alright. Start talking." I nod and start telling them everything. We cannot afford to tell anyone else after this. 4 was already risky. But 6 is pushing it. But we need Gally for the plan and he wouldn't stay calm on his own so we need Ben to hear it too. But we cannot tell anyone else. At least not until we make it out of this hell hole.

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