Chapter 22

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???'s P.O.V~

The Maze Trials where a success. More managed to escape than we had expected but we have enough room to accomodate them. Subject A2 seemed to be badly injured when he arrived, leading to Subject A5 to stay with him and stray from the main group.

The rest of the Subjects followed without much of a hassle, Janson is currently taking care of them before anything happens.

I hope this group behaves better than the last batch we had and stay in their place.

If not, well I suppose we'll have to dispose of them. It would be a shame to dispose of A2, however we disposed of him once for trying to betray us. The real problem would be subject A1. Seen as she was one of our best scientists. But she shouldn't be at risk of betrayal. Especially since we will be taking her away from the group to talk to her about our cause. But I suppose time will tell. For now all we can do... wait...


That's that first book down. The second book might get a little bit angsty and the third I have no clue. But from here on in I'm probably going to be using more stuff from the films, so sorry if you don't want me to or something but I remember the specifics of the films better than the books.

Also they aren't going to follow the plot too closely cause god damn it Dashner I can do it better. (Kidding I love the books plz don't kill me)

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