Chapter 12

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Newt's P.O.V~

After everyone had eaten Gally handed around some of his fake moonshine. Which was really just water with honey in it. However because of this the Gladers who were drinking it have to act gradually drunker as the night goes on. Which is a pain cause I normally drink a jar of the stuff meaning I have to pretend to get tipsy. Meanwhile Tommy gets to laugh his ass off at the fact that we're all pretending to be super drunk and he's watching on sober. I look over to Gally who catches my eye and raises his jar. It's time. The Gladers moved over to the Box and threw anything flammable into it. Once they had done that they set the box on fire. They all cheered once the fire started to burn properly. But it makes me laugh thinking of what it means. Because what would look to the outside world as an act of drunken stupir from a group of teenagers was actually a war cry. A cry directed at the people who trapped us here.

The Gladers stood around the box throwing more things into the fire. After being stood around the fire for a good 20 minutes most of the Gladers started moving with most of them having drunk about 3 jars of Gally's 'moonshine'meaning they were all having to act like idiots. Including me which led to Tommy laughing like an idiot like he did the first time he saw me drunk. It made my heart swell to see him happy again after seeing him crying this morning. Which I think was the worst thing I've ever seen since I saw Teresa kiss him, that one time before the maze. He looks over to me still smiling like an idiot as I danced with a 'drunk' Minho. Hand clamped over his stomach as a 'tipsy' Ben ran over to him. I watched still laughing as he dragged him over to us. I moved from infront of Minho to stand next to Tommy. "Heya Tommy." I tilted my head slightly and pulled his arm away from Ben dragging him over to Minho trying. "Sup Tommyboy." Tommy just laughed as Minho sent him a wink. Me and Minho kept dancing as more Gladers came over to us. None of us said anything regarding tomorrow, we simply joked around and laughed knowing we might not be able to for a while. Gally and Ben stood as close as they physically could to each other. I feel bad about it but I can't help but feel jealous as even though the other Gladers know about me and Tommy now, I can't stand any closer without arousing suspicion. He must have caught my gaze from where he was stood with Chuck cause the two walked over to the huge group of us that were dancing and being stupid. I watched Tommy laugh again as Chuck walked over to me and Minho and began dancing with us.

Tommy stayed around the edge of the group refusing to dance, but he never strayed away from me. He skirted around the edge with Ben, with me catching snippets of their conversation every now and then. "You sure you're alright there Tommo?" I smile brighter hearing his laugh. "Yeah, I'm fine, besides I told you I shouldn't stray too far from him today." I watched on as Ben smirked and sent a wink towards Minho. The two moved closer dragging me and Tommy along. Minho stood in the middle of the circle and shouted at the Gladers to stop. "What Minho?" Fry laughed as the others started to moan. "How about we play a game?" The Gladers start getting giddy again at the idea. "What game do you wanna play Minho?" I laugh at the teasing tone in Ben's voice. "How about our usual game?" The Gladers cheered throwing their glasses to the sky. After a minute of people moving around to get into their groups Minho spoke up again. "Come on you shanks! Everyone sit down!" Everyone laughed as we moved into one big circle with the five of us (me, Tommy, Minho, Ben and Gally) moving in from the centre after everyone had sat down. Once everyone had settled down Minho spoke up again. "So? Who wants to go first?"

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