Chapter 1

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This is my first fanfic.
Don't read it.
Let it die in peace.

Alexander's Pov

          College. If you were to tell me I was going to Princeton College I'd probably yell at you and tell you that you're stupid. But not too long ago I wrote this huge dramatic thing and now I'm here. Standing before the college. If only I knew where the heck I was going. I made a guess, and ended up in the front office. Not too bad. I waited in a line of new students trying to get their schedule and dorm room number. "Name and grade." The secretary said, sounding extremely bored. "Alexander Hamilton. Sophomore." She typed a few things into a computer and printed out a sheet of paper then handed it to me. "Have a nice day." I nodded and said "You too."
      I was walking down the hallway of the building looking at my shoes when my thoughts were interrupted by three boys yelling "SHOWTIME!!!" Then one of them grabbed my collar, kinda choking me and yelled "THE REVOLUTIONARY SET TOGETHER AT LAST!" I stood there in shock of what just happened. I studied the boy who just grabbed me. His curly hair was put back into a ponytail and he wore cargo pants and a green jacket. The boy next to him said "Sorry mon ami, uh as you can see he's a bit.. excited." "Yeah no kidding.." I mumbled to myself dusting off my pants. "Lafayette. And you are?" he said, sticking his hand at me. "Alexander Hamilton." I said taking his hand. I glanced over at his other two buddies who were laughing with each other. "Ah, oui that is John Laurens in the green jacket and the guy in the weird striped shirt is Hercules Mulligan." Both of them stopped messing with each other and actually paid attention to me. "Oh yeah, sorry 'bout grabbin ya.. heh... erm are you new? I haven't seen you around." John asked. "Oh yeah, I am new. I just moved here form Saint Kitts and Nevis." I said. They all started at me blankly. I sighed and said "A country in the Caribbean. Don't worry nobody really knows where it is." "Ohh. Cool!" They all said. "Wanna come hang out with us?" Hercules asked. "Yeah, sure. Lemme put my bags away first though."

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