Chapter 3// Popping the Question

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"The detentions I hand out are an hour long. Now take your seat before I make it two hours." His threat was loud and clear.

"Got it." I looked at clock.

Not even a minute went by!

This has been a long day.

Mr. Bean's POV

I'm grading the test and looking at Brent to make sure he's not getting distracted.

He looks miserable; well my job here is done.

I go back to grading  the test and look at the time. It's 4:30. I'll let him go 10 minutes early,

...I'm feeling nice today.

"Brent!" I yelled to get his attention.

"Yes Mr. Bean." He said. Trying to act innocent.

"You can go." I said trying to get rid of him as fast as I can.

"Really! I can go? You're letting me go 10 minutes early." He asked while collecting his books and putting them in his bag.

"Yes. You suffered enough."

"Thank you Mr. Bean." He said while running out of the classroom.

Brent's POV

Once I leave the classroom, I make my way towards the closet bathroom.

...of course Dylan left a bruise...what a jerk

I look at my watch and see that it's
5:00pm...shit! I'm late for dinner with my mom's boyfriend, and his kid, I'm such an idiot.

I run out of the bathroom and out of the school, just continuing to run home...we don't live far, but my mom still insists on me taking the bus

I run to the front of the house, unlocking the door—hearing conversations being thrown across the table. I take my shoes off, and make my way towards the loud noise.

As soon as I get there, all heads face me, "Mom I'm so sorry I'm late. I had detention and-"

"We'll talk about this later Brent. Go get change and come join us." She said not very pleased with me.

I look to see that Max is I hate that kid.

If you're wondering who Max is, he's Peter; my mom's boyfriend's kid. Me and him don't get along. We fight like cats and dogs.
As I said before, I absolutely hate him.

I head upstairs and change to amuse my mom.


I'm sitting at the table in my black jeans, and a plain light blue shirt.

I'm poking at my food because I'm not that hungry. After what just happened, I'm not in the mood to eat.

"So Brent, how was your day at school?" Peter asked me, taking a bite out of his food.

"Boring." I stated, still poking at my food.

"How so?"

...jeez he's chatty today

"This guy at school just made me get a detention, it's no big deal." The last thing I want is my mom to worry.

"How so?"

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