Chapter 11// Vacation With A Side Of Arguing

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"oh, and dad wanted me to tell you to start packing." He said.

"What, why? The trip isn't until Saturday."

"His words, not mine." Within seconds, he was gone from my room.

I changed into some clothes, flopped on my bed and just stared at the ceiling.

I don't know, am I ready for this.

Peter's POV

It's currently 2am and I'm about to wake the boys up for our vacation to Florida. Brenda and I think that it'll make the boys bond more as brothers-which I hope it works. Now a days, all they do is fight and it's getting on my nerves. So a little family vacation can hurt anyone, right?

"Wake up Max!" I scream at the top of my lungs, entering his room.

He jumps up from his bed with a horrifying look. Once he saw it was me, he laid back down, relaxed.

"Dad, it's 2 o'clock in the morning. Why are you waking me up?" He asked all sleepy.

"We have to go to the airport." I said, trying to refresh his memory.

He had a dumbfounded look until he realized what I meant.

He got out of bed with excitement, and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

"Be down in 15." I stated, leaving his room and headed over to Brent's.

"Brent, wake up." I said entering his room.

"5 more minutes." He whined.

"Brent." I said in a tone.

He groaned and got out of bed.

"Be down in 15." I stated leaving his room.

I left the room to go bother Brenda.

I walk in our room to see her finishing packing, "Hey hun." I planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Hey." She sounded all tired.

I chuckled.

"Give it back Brent!" You hear Max yell from upstairs.

I look at Brenda and she has that look in her eyes.

"I don't have your stupid hoodie." You hear Brent respond back.

"That's never good." Brenda signed referring to the boys.

Brent's POV

I got out of the shower- fully awake now and wrapped in a towel- and started to pack when Max decided to barge through my door.

"I could've been naked." I stated upset.

"Where's my hoodie?" He asked searching through my drawers, completely ignoring my statement.

"Max! I don't have your stupid hoodie." I yelled, putting on a shirt and pants.

"Yes you do. You used it last." He said, coming close to me.

"I put it in the wash." I said backing up what I said previously.

"Well it's not there." He said crossing his arms.

"Well did you check." I mimicked him.

"Wanna go-"

"What's going on in here?" Peter asked from the doorframe.

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