Chapter 17// The Blame Game

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"Come on boys, we're gonna have a long talk when we get home."

I dare look behind me, and see that the deep voice is Peter's. Like I imagined.

He's dragging us to the car, keeping his head held high.

"When we get home, you two go straight to your rooms." Peter says with sternness still in his voice.

What am I in for...

Brenda's POV

When I heard that the boys got arrested at the theatre my heart dropped. Our innocent boys got arrested.

My phone went off: ring ring

"Hello." I answered the phone.

"Hey baby, I picked up the boys." Peter reassured me.

"Ok thanks babe. Please hurry home" the worried in my voice was extreme.

Brent's POV

Peter is extremely pissed. The only words that escaped his mouth are: "When we get home, you two go straight to your rooms."

I'm scared. I'm generally petrified. When I say he's extremely pissed. I mean he's extremely pissed. I've never seen this side of Peter
before—and him and my mom have been married for a few months now.

The car came to a complete stop. Which made me even more scared. I looked over towards Max. I can tell he's scared. He's staring out the window, bouncing his leg up and down, up and down.

we we're both glued to our seats. Didn't even dare to move, until Peter broke the silence, "Let's go boys."

Max and I immediately shot up from our
seats—with our bags attached on our backs—and headed inside.

We rushed in, heading to our rooms.

"Are you boys ok?" Mom asks us, rushing towards us.

We past by her, ignoring her question.

Big mistake...

"Your mother asked you a question boys."

We both froze in our spots at Peter's voice. We turn around, putting on a fake smile, "we are fine mom. Thank you." I reassure her.

"Well in that case," she slaps both of us in the back of the head, "what were you boys thinking?"

We both rub our heads, "mom it's not a big deal. Plus, why am I getting in trouble if Max did it?"

I directed that question towards Peter.

"You're in trouble because you encouraged his behaviour." Peter answers, arms still crossed.

"No I didn't. He was the one who wanted me to go, and when I didn't, he went instead." I explained the whole scenario out.

If looks could kill, I would be dead by the one Max is giving me right now.

"Max is that true?"

He stares between me and Peter.

He huffs, "yea it's true."

"Max," he signs with disappointment, "just go to your room."

Max's stomp towards his bedroom, slamming the it through his tantrum.

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