Leave him alone!!

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     "Did he ever love me?" Garroth questioned.

     Garroth didn't get out of that car for a while, but soon he finally got out and stormed over to Dante's house. He pounded on the door and Dante answered, his smile quickly ran from his face as he saw Garroth's face with tears streaming down it. "Oh my god! What the hell happened?!" Dante said with a concerned tone. Garroth shoved Dante into the house and locked the door (omg am I creating a yandere?). Dante was extremely confused as to what Garroth was doing. Garroth wanted to kill him but refrained and first wanted an answer, "Dante why did you do it!!? You knew I loved Laurence yet you took the one thing I loved away from me!!!" Garroth screamed as he had Dante pinned to the wall. Dante froze as he realized why Garroth was mad, "G-Garroth...what are you...talking about...heh." Garroth pulled him close to his face, "You took Laurence from me...I thought we were friends...what ever happened to that!!?" Dante started to sweat, at this point he thought Garroth was goning to kill him. "Look I'm sorry! You came to me looking for advise to date the guy I liked, I had to do something! So my first reaction was to ask him out!" Dante said nervously. Garroth threw him against the wall and Dante fell to the ground with a thud. Garroth took a deep breathe as Dante stood back up. "How could you...? How could you do this to me!? We've been friends since high school!!!" Garroth took Dante by the shirt and threw him onto the couch. Dante looked frightened. Then there was a knock at the door, "Dante are you in there!? Is Garroth there?" Garroth froze at the sound of Laurence's voice and started to tear up. He mumbled under his breathe, "Laurence why.....?"

     On the other hand, Zane was in the house watching My Little Horsies, "I wonder what's taking those two so long? I mean, it's just dinner unless they went for ice cream or got all lovey dovey on the way home...bleh." Zane then got a call from Aphmau. He answered it to the sound of a conserned voice, "Hey Zane, it's Aph. Have you been hearing everything that's going on at Dante and Travis's house? It's really loud over there and Travis is at the mall with Kaitlyn so it's just Dante." Zane was confused, "Okay, and why should I care? Can't you just go over there and tell them to shut up?" Aphmau sighed, "Well I could...but your a guy." Zane made a face at his phone, "And what does that have to do with anything?" Aphmau officially gave up, "Ugh, I thought you could get through to him better than I could that's all. If you want to go over there then do so. I'll talk to you later." Zane said goodbye and went back to watching his show. Now that Aphmau brought it up he did here the noise, it was faint so he ignored it.

     Garroth opened the door and pulled Laurence into the house by his shirt. He threw him onto Dante who was still on the couch. "Laurence I have one question for you! Did you ever love me!?" Laurence looked at Garroth like he was crazy, "Heh...G-Garroth..." Garroth turned red and started to tear up, "Huh, did you!!? The first time you kissed me was because I was mad at you for getting with Lucinda! And even after you kissed me you were still with her and got mad when she left you for another guy!!" Laurence looked Garroth dead in the eye, "Garroth I do love you!! More than anything!!" Garroth walked close to the couch, "So then why did you cheat on me with Dante...?" Laurence hesitated, "Because...he said if I dated him for a little while he would leave me alone and I could be with you...!" Dante looked over at Laurence, "What are you talking about!? I asked you and you said that you and Garroth weren't completely sure if you liked each other so we could give us a try!!" Garroth walked over to Laurence, pulled him up from the couch and started to cry again. "You...you son of a bitch!!" Garroth slapped Laurence causing him to bleed, he then ran out of the house and back to his. Laurence sat back down on the couch, "What have I done...? I said that because that was when we first started dating and I wasn't completely sure...now I loved him and he's gone..." Dante got up from the couch and slowly walked away but Laurence saw him and stopped him. "Dante! I don't know why I didn't do this before...we're through!! I love Garroth and only Garroth!!!" Dante started to tear up but understood, he nodded, "So be it...get him back..." Laurence then talked to Dante about how he should try to approach Garroth.

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