A Plan in Action!

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     Garroth walked to his room and locked the door behind him as he entered. Laurence could help him and Zane escape, right? But then what happens to Laurence. Garroth was at a loss for what to do. He sat there thinking for what felt like hours. Garroth looked up at the clock and only 20 minutes had passed. He sighed before deciding to go to sleep. As the sun rose in the morning, Garroth heard a thud come from the kitchen. He ran downstairs to see what was going on. Laurence was on the floor with a bloody nose. "Laurence!" Garroth called out as he ran over to Laurence. Zane was walking down the stairs to investigate the sound too. "Woah, what happened to Laurence!?" Zane asked while walking over. "Laurence are you okay?" Garroth asked while slightly slapping Laurence's face. Laurence woke up and looked at Garroth, "Garroth, I can't stand him. Please hurry up and help me. Please...!" Laurence pleaded. Garroth looked over at Zane who had a shocked expression on his face. Laurence passed out again in Garroth's arms. "You weren't lying," Zane commented. Garroth shook his head, "He doesn't have much time. We have to do something as soon as possible." He picked up Laurence and carried him upstairs to his room.

     Laurence woke up in his room, "When did I get here...? I thought I was in the kitchen..." Laurence got out of bed and walked downstairs. He saw Garroth and Zane at the table eating breakfast. It was silent. Too silent. No one was making eye contact or even looking away from their plate of food. Laurence picked up a cold plate of food that must've been for him and put it in the microwave. The silence agitated him. All that could be heard were the "beeps" the microwave made. The microwave finished heating up Laurence food and Laurence took it and went to sit down.

     It stayed silent the whole time they ate. The first one to finish was Zane, he cleaned his plate and then went up to his room. Not long after him, Garroth finished, but as soon as he started to get up Laurence grabbed him by the wrist. Garroth hesitated to turn his head to face Laurence. "You and Zane seem very quiet today..." Laurence said with a deep voice. Garroth's heartbeat got faster. "W-we do...?" He stuttered. Laurence stood up from his chair and walked close to Garroth, so close that it made Garroth uncomfortable. "L-Laurence...what are you-" Garroth was interrupted by Laurence suddenly grabbing his chin and looking him dead in the eyes. Garroth gulped. "You wouldn't happen to be hiding anything from me Garroth, right...? Because you know if you are, then we might have a problem..." Laurence threatened. Garroth hesitated, he couldn't say anything. "N-no! Why would you think that?" Garroth said before giving Laurence a crooked smile. Laurence gave Garroth a quick peck on the lips before backing away from him, "Good! I knew I could trust you, Hun!" He walked away leaving Garroth frozen. It just didn't feel right at all. Yes, Laurence just kissed him, but that wasn't really Laurence. That kiss meant nothing! Garroth got a little mad over it. He heard the shower turn on and that's when the plan went into action. 

     Garroth went upstairs, careful not to make much noise, and headed to Zane's room. He opened the door and asked Zane, "You ready to do this...?" Zane didn't hesitate, he nodded his head and stood up. They both went downstairs and walked to the back door. Before Zane walked out, he turned to Garroth and hugged him, "Promise me you're gonna be okay..." Garroth hugged Zane back and with a determined look answered, "I promise you, baby brother." Zane let go of Garroth and smiled before he walked out the back door. Garroth had to make it look like everything was normal until Laurence would notice Zane was missing. He decided to head back to the kitchen and clean the dishes. But right before Garroth got to the kitchen, he heard humming. Garroth panicked as he walked into the kitchen, and he was right to panic. Sitting across the room from him at the table was Laurence, patiently waiting for Garroth to come back from covering his brother's escape. Laurence laughed, "You are so pathetic! I don't know if you thought you could let you're brother escape or get help or something around those lines, but you clearly underestimated me. I'll go get him later, he can't possibly go far since we're on an island. I don't think either of you forgot that. So while that bitch is gone, 

let's have some fun..."








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