Epilogue 2

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Garroth wondered aimlessly through a park in the middle of a beautiful city. He had one objective. Nothing else mattered except for that one objective. He passed children playing, couples on strolls, families having picnics, and more. As he approached a lake at the center of the park, he saw a brown-haired boy. Garroth's face lit up as he ran to the boy. "Laurence!" He called to him. The boy turned to face him. Garroth paused when he saw that it wasn't Laurence. "Sorry...I thought you were someone else..." Garroth apologized.

Garroth spent most of the day thoroughly searching the park for Laurence. He had no luck. Hopeless and distraught, Garroth left the park right before sunset. Garroth walked the streets of the city not knowing what to do next. "This was a horrible idea..." Garroth told himself. "Why did I do this? I'm so stupid! Everyone must've been so upset. And Zane...I didn't even stop to think about how it would affect him. I'm so selfish! What's wrong with me!?" Garroth began to question his decisions.

While walking along the sidewalk, Garroth asked another man walking past if there was a beach nearby. He said there was. He instructed Garroth on how to get there. Garroth really didn't have anything else, so he just wanted to go to Laurence's favorite place and forget about everything.

When Garroth finally found the beach, he made his way down the dock to a seating area. As he approached the seating area, he saw another brown-haired boy. Garroth refused to get his hopes up like he did last time because the chance of it actually being Laurence is incredibly slim.

The brown-haired boy turned in his seat to see who was coming. His expression turned to one of shock. Garroth froze in his steps and felt his heart drop. His entire body felt heavy. "L-...Laurence...?" Garroth questioned not knowing how to react. He slowly made his way closer to the boy until they were an arms length apart.

"Laurence I-" Garroth began. Laurence, now standing, cut him off, "Why are you here...?" He asked while looking down. Garroth was confused.

"You shouldn't be here. You shouldn't be dead! Why are you here?!" Laurence yelled out of anger. Garroth didn't know what to say. He was heartbroken to see Laurence react this way. He didn't even think of any of the consequences before he shot himself.

"I couldn't do it without you Laurence. I just couldn't. I need you..." Garroth tried to explain.

"So you thought that killing yourself would be a good fucking idea?! Did you even stop to think about how everyone else would feel?! I died to save you and Zane! You were supposed to stay alive!" Laurence yelled; his voice cracking. Laurence still looked down to avoid eye contact with Garroth.

Garroth was at a loss for words. He couldn't make this situation any better. "It was selfish. I realize that now. I was so stupid to do that without thinking of anyone else. I just wanted to see you so badly. I wanted to kiss you just one last time...I'm so sorry" Garroth admitted he was wrong. He looked down ashamed of himself. Both boys stood in silence avoiding eye contact. Garroth's head shot up when he heard Laurence begin to cry. Tears fell from the boys face. Concerned, Garroth asked, "Laurence, are you-"

He was cut off by Laurence grabbing Garroth's flannel and pulling him closer. Laurence's lips met Garroth's for the first time in what felt like forever. Both boys stumbled from the force of their embrace. Garroth, who was caught off guard, melted into the loving kiss.

They pulled away and embraced each other tightly. Garroth and Laurence were both in tears. They were both overjoyed to see each other. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be mad at you first thing. I was just so shocked and sad to see you here." Laurence choked out through his tears.

"It's okay. It's my fault." Garroth hushed him. This was the happiest Garroth had been since Laurence died. They held each other like they were afraid to lose each other again.

After a few minutes of silence, they let go of each other. "This doesn't mean I'm not mad at you." Laurence reminded Garroth.

"Understandable." Garroth said with a smile. "Can we just...sit together for right now?" Garroth asked. Laurence smiled and nodded his head.

The boys sat on the dock and watched the sunset. Garroth slowly moved his hand around Laurence. Laurence glanced at Garroth's hand and then up at Garroth's face. "Smooth..." He chuckled. Garroth simply smiled. He stared at his boyfriend to admire his beauty. Laurence stopped laughing and his eyes met Garroth's. They moved closer and lovingly pressed their lips together one last time.

Garroth pulled away, "I do love you Laurence." Garroth said with a smile he couldn't wipe off his face.

Laurence had the same smile with tears in his eyes, "I love you too, idiot..."

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