That isn't Laurence...

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     "That wasn't the Laurence I know..."

     Zane ran over to Garroth and kneeled next to him, " just have to give him some time..." Zane said in a soft voice. Garroth began to sob again, he leapt onto Zane and hugged him. Zane hugged him back and held him tight as his brother sobbed. Laurence sat in his room staring at the wall, "He isn't making this easy for me... DAMN IT!!" He punched the wall and his hand started to bleed. He sighed, "I should go bandage this..." Laurence left his room and went to the bathroom. As he walked over to the bathroom he passed Garroth's room and heard him sobbing inside, he rolled his eyes, "He's over reacting way too much..." He continued to walk to the bathroom. He got to the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet, "Do we not have any bandages...?" Laurence questioned as he dug through the cabinet. In the very back of the cabinet there was one pack of bandages, "My god, that wasn't easy..." He bandaged his hand and closed the cabinet. After he closed the cabinet, Laurence saw his reflection in the mirror and froze. He was frightened and didn't know why, it was almost like there was someone else there...

     Zane left Garroth's room when he had calmed down, Zane told Garroth to lock the door so Laurence didn't try anything while he wasn't in the room with him. He went downstairs to get Garroth some food, problem is, Garroth probably won't want to eat anything so Zane had to find something Garroth liked. He searched the cabinets and the fridge but they haven't gone food shopping lately so there wasn't much beside a family size bag of Lay's potato chips. He brought it up to Garroth but as he assumed, Garroth rejected it (Just like how Laurence rejected Garroth....sorry i had too ;-;). Zane noticed Laurence wasn't anywhere in sight, his door was open and that means Laurence wasn't there because it is always shut when he is inside. Zane started to look around for Laurence just to make sure he wasn't in the house at the moment. He went downstairs and couldn't see Laurence anywhere, "Laurence...?" He called out. Zane kept looking and couldn't find him. Last room to check was the second floor bathroom. He slowly opened the door







and there was no one there (HA DID I GET U... c;). Zane assumed Laurence wasn't in the house since he had checked every room with no sign of Laurence. Zane was heading back to Garroth's room and saw the door was slightly open, he most definitely remember Garroth locking it.  He started to run to the room and swung the door open...Garroth was no where to be seen. There was a clear sign of struggle in the room, books and  papers were on the floor and the bed was a mess. Zane frantically searched around the room for any sign of Garroth, but there was none. He fell to his knees and started to tear up, "My one job was to be there for Garroth...and now I can't even find him." Just then, Zane felt a presence to his right so he quickly turned is head and looked around the room; there was nothing to be found. Zane was beginning to get scared. It was almost like...there was someone else there...*$#&)^@^^@(&()@^Q^&TRB^@^@(*4861006@**)%65w796*O^@T6t*O^*@86t%&^^@et8^T576*EO&W(R*#(Q&(*&(@(@#*&@&*^$(@(*!&&$*!*&&##!&$#!BDYYGFY YW&Y379871&Y@&($&@*#&*(!&*($&RNCNCQWYHYY&%6Y894 NNFWE7 y38qy9738q88MUFhuH FIWQ*#9q3w97r3q984q UHWU QHUDNU RUWYQH CSUI @CWy7e27q984qc 73NYW *&#*RYQV78 NWH97r3QY B*W&IAuyg7*B &IUAKWR78YNGWFITV*&FIby'*OY NR*(UIW #G*&wy(&A^83790857qw8374177 W&%&^&*^#&!*&O$!

iT GrAbBED ZaNE...

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