An Illusion?

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     "Baby Brother...?"

     Garroth watched as his brother slowly left him. He struggled to get up but still was unable. He tried to speak but no words would come out. Laurence picked up Zane's hand and checked for a pulse, "He's gone! The person you cared about most in this world is gone. Heh, what a shame." Garroth used all this anger and sadness to finally find the strength to stand up. "Oh no, you seem to be fighting my power!" Laurence said sarcastically, "Well, I'll be off then...see ya around heheh!" Laurence disappeared again and suddenly nothing was weighing Garroth down. He ran over to Zane's lifeless body (BTW WRITING THIS HURTS ME JUST AS MUCH AS IT HURTS U TO READ). "Z-Zane...? Please don't leave me alone...please!" He hugged Zane and cried into his shoulder (Boi i am seriously reminding myself of A Guy Like You i mean honestly). Garroth kept crying as he looked at Zane's face, Garroth moved Zane's mask to see his full face and put his hand on his cheek, "I won't forget you Baby Brother...ever..." Garroth wanted to see Laurence die a slow and horrible death. He turned around to wipe the tears from his face, when he turned back around...Zane was gone. Garroth looked around to try and find where he had gone but there didn't seem to be any exits in the room. Then, everything went white.

     Garroth woke up shocked. He began to cry, "That...wasn't real...right? Please tell me it wasn't!" Garroth didn't recognize the room. He tried to stand up but he was chained to the bed he woke up in. Garroth looked around the room for some sort of clue to where he was. There was a desk with a laptop on it and there was the bed he sat in. Garroth searched the side of the bed for some sort of key to unlock the chains. He heard footsteps coming from down the hall. Garroth stood alert as the door slowly opened. "Oh good! You're awake! Good morning Sleeping Beauty!" Laurence said as he walked towards Garroth. Garroth didn't freeze this time, "Don't touch me you bastard..." Laurence seemed shocked, "What was that for?" He questioned sarcastically. Garroth wanted to scream but he resisted, "Where the hell is Zane!? Is he okay? Tell me!!" Laurence laughed. "He died only in the illusion you saw. He's really in the room across the hall. Although, that doesn't mean he's as I say and maybe he'll live..." Garroth was scared but also relieved, "Wait, so, that was all an illusion? A nightmare?" Laurence looked at Garroth, "No it was you dying and then being reborn. What do you think!? Of course it was an illusion dumbass." Garroth could only think of one thing which was Zane. "I only ask of one thing from you...please allow me to see my brother..." Garroth asked. Laurence laughed before saying, "I'll allow it." He lifted up his hand and held it open, a key appeared in his palm. Laurence unlocked the chains and lead Garroth to the room Zane was in. Zane laid in the bed, Garroth ran to check his pulse...there was a heartbeat. He was alive. Garroth cried tears of joy, he then said in relief,

     "Z-Zane...! You're okay...!"

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