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 "It's so wrong that all I want to do is forget all and just be with you... Here we are in so deep, so wet jumping in with no safety net and I don't know what kind of ropes would break this kind of fall. So baby don't look into my eyes I might fall in love." -Taylor


 "Shit.." Karlie swore as a strike of lightening lit up the entire sky, as if granting hell a chance to break lose. A loud rip and a crack in the sky followed as two girls struggled to both leave the wooden canoe at the shore of the large pond. Water droplets hit like ice, string at the impact and causing the hairs of their arms to stand straight up.  

 Karlie's  baggy cotton shirt, reading Ole May, had become a wet rag, hanging over her shoulders. Her hair was wet mess, sticking to her cheeks and curling under her jaw bone. Another light in the sky caused her to jump before her hands managed to tie up the large water raft. 

 "Karlie c'mon." A worried Taylor said looking around, shivering as her teeth chattered together. Her also blonde short hair was now dark, and curling up as her became soaked by the pouring rain.

 "We both know you love it when it rains." Karlie teased as her hand slipped from the rope. One more knot, for security if the wind starts to pick up. Another bang in the clouds caused the blue eyed blonde to jump before reaching out to grab the crook of the taller girl's elbow. She pulled, half trying to really drag her away before Karlie finished and obligated. Both girls ran through the marshy soil and long grass, not caring that bits of dirt and green bits were becoming a mess around their bare feet and ankles.

 Taylor was in the lead, running quicker at each sound of thunder and every rip of lighting tearing through sky. Now could have passed as a late six o'clock rather than four in the afternoon thanks to the dark clouds taking over the sky. When both finally made their way to the gravel, deserted parking lot, only the smallest bit of fear was relieved. As the shorter blonde stepped onto the gravel, feeling the uneven rocks uncomfortable beneath her feet, she came to a slow halt. Karlie came to her side, walking past her and to her car they had taken to the pond, knowing Taylor's car would have been spotted to easily. After both got in, she retrieved a set of towels from the back seat, handing one to Taylor then wiping down what skin she could without having to struggle to peel the soaking wet sweater from over her back. 

 There was a quiet moment between the two as they did their best to dry off, yet something was there between the two that didn't need to be said. As Taylor finished running the towel over her calf she came to a slow stop. Out of the corner of her eye, Karlie had already finished and sat still, looking out over the marshy field and dark storm cloud that seemed to cover the once blue and white fluffy clouds. The keys to the car stayed in the drink holder, right where they'd left it two hours before. Since the place was over grown and no one had ever showed up before they'd put more trust than they probably should have into the fact that no one ever came here. Her chest rose up and down, going back down to a normal heart rate and the girl didn't look scared, Karlie never looked scared of anything. 

 "Josh is going to wonder.." Taylor said quietly before being cut off.

 "Yeah.." She said quickly, not wanting to hear what was already nagging at her in the back of her mind, "I know..."

 The rain kept pouring, the lighting kept bursting through the sky, lighting up everything within miles, and Karlie still sat still. Taylor didn't want to leave, even if the storm demanded them to. She was more worried of sitting there long enough until both couldn't take it anymore. For the past three months she'd felt wrong, wrong for things she'd felt lately. That feeling of wanting to be with someone all the time. Making stupid jokes or saying childish things just to get a smile out of someone who's laugh sounded better than your favorite song. Everything seemed easier when things had been hidden, feelings were friendship, but now she sat, looking at someone who she'd never even imagined she'd have even one feeling for. The girl with the soaking wet hair, sitting besides her who smelt like rain thanks to the storm and who sat quietly yet some how telling her that she wasn't in a hurry to leave the girl.  

 "You can come by and get dried off..I have something you can wear. My place is closer anyways." Taylor said, trying to sound casual rather than a selfish want for her to stay just a little but longer. Karlie kept her focus forward but ran her lips together as she thought. "Yeah..okay."

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