CHAOS MAGE Chapter 14: Gift for the King

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Seiren fought not to gag when another splash of sewer water sprayed onto her boots. Slimy grey walls arched several metres above her, threatening to bless her with another gloopy kiss. All around, the sloshing of water echoed, akin to the songs of ocean waves, and punctuated by footsteps of the people she followed. Kaim had said these were waterways, not sewage, but the squeaks of rats in the dark corners and slimy growth on the moist walls did little to convince her otherwise. When Kaim said he had a method of sneaking into the palace, Seiren hadn't thought they'd traverse the waterways beneath the palace.

A weak light lit their way over the wet tiles and moving water, a sad ball of ochre almost smothered by the mist hovering above the ground. Seiren kept up, stifling squeals when her boots slid several times and she almost ended up sitting in the puddles. Five men, plus Kaim and a young girl, moved ahead, none of them bothering to check Seiren and Madeleine were keeping up aside from the girl, who threw them worried glances every so often. She hadn't said a single word, hiding behind Kaim and watching them with big, light-brown eyes beneath strong black eyebrows. She must be about fifteen, possibly younger, and wore her hair in two traditional Hannan plaits. She walked with a limp, as if putting weight down her right ankle gave her pain. Kaim picked her up whenever she tired, which was often, and set her down again at her request. Surely Kaim wouldn't have brought a handicap along if he wanted to infiltrate a palace full of guards — that would be asking for failure if she ended up falling over. But Seiren knew Kaim wouldn't answer her questions. For all his charming smiles and teasing questions, he divulged very little, and there was a stormy darkness in his eyes, as if he wouldn't hesitate to drop the friendly mask if needed.

The waterways were an endless maze, but Kaim's men seemed to know their way, even utilising makeshift bridges out of planks of wood left clearly for that purpose to cross fast-flowing rivulets and stowing the planks away just as quickly. Seiren shuddered when water dripped from above, running down her neck. She only hoped when she popped out the other side amongst well-to-do folk she didn't stink of the sewer.

The group paused at the bottom of a set of stairs that ran up into the shadows overhead. The men were hooded and — Seiren noticed just now — armed with knives and bombs at their waists. She caught Madeleine's anxious gaze. Just what were these people planning? A robbery? A raid?

Kaim's dark eyes bore into Seiren's when she met them as if challenging her to ask questions. She didn't say anything. The girl hid behind Kaim, fingers gripping his robe until her knuckles were white.

Kaim reached to one of his men, who passed him a package wrapped in an intricate cloth, scarlet with gold streaks. Seiren hesitated before taking it with both hands. It was heavy, smooth, and cold through the material, like a large metal egg.

"What is it?"

Seiren half-expected a rebuttal.

"A ceremonial blessing ornament made of pure moakite. A gift for King Fautos." Kaim's lips curved upwards. "Don't open it in case it gets dirtied. That gorgeous blue is for the king's eyes only — he opens his gifts once everyone has left, so you just have to give it to his receiver."

He jerked a finger up the stairs.

"If you head up there and follow the path, you'll end up in one of the back paths of the palace leading up to the dance hall. A sort of emergency exit, if you will. You can change into your fancy outfits there and blend in with the rest of the posh suck-ups."

One of the guys snorted. Kaim threw him a warning look.

"And you?"

Kaim winked at her. "We have our jobs. You keep your nose out of our business and we'll return the same courtesy. And now — we part. Fair well, mystery ladies."

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