November 22, 2013

8 0 0

9:56 am

Emma - hey, Taylor and Justin are headed your direction! Watch out! 

Sandra - Gotta go!

1:02 pm

Amanda - T & J are going to Ms. Parker! They're holding hands! 

Sandra - thanks!

3:38 pm

Sandra - thanks for today. I really wanted to avoid them at any cost. 

Emma - You're welcome :) 

Amanda - no problem ;) 

Sandra - so, have any of you talked to HER lately? 

Emma - Are you kidding? EW. 

Amanda - nope. I'm with u sistah! 

Sandra - thanks. I <3 u guys

9:16 pm

Taylor - tomorrow, Justin's taking me to see a movie! How romantic! 

Auto-response from Emma - Homework! That's how it's done! 

Taylor - okay, weirdo. I'm gonna try Amanda.

9:18 pm

Taylor - guess what? 

Auto-response from Amanda - how is it possible for kind, innocent people to STILL get hurt by careless people? Taylor, you should be ashamed of yourself. Why would you ever hurt Sandra? You DESERVE the silent treatment! Sandra - I'm bringing pizza! Be there in 10! 

Taylor - okay. Fine. I see how u wanna be. Thanks for picking sides! 

Taylor - huff...we used to share pizza. 

Taylor - what have I done?

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