January 30, 2014

3 0 0

11:10 am 

Amanda - Anything you would like to share with me? 

Emma - About what? 

Amanda - About Sandra? Why is she acting this way? I was talking to her, well I was going to talk to her, in first period to tell her I was sorry, but she just scowled at me and turned away. 

Emma - Scowled? How immature 

Amanda - What did you do to her? 

Emma - More like what did she do to me! She told me to go to hell. 

Amanda - Why did she say that? 

Emma - Because I said her boyfriend was stupid and I just kept saying how Michael wasn't perfect and she needs to grow up 

Amanda - So now she's mad at both of us? 

Emma - I guess so. She told me never to talk to her again 

Amanda - Are you proud of that? 

Emma - That's not the point 

Amanda - What about prom! That's in May! What about college! Are we going to be split up when both those times come?? 

Emma - Maybe not prom, if she decides to forgive us, but college yes. I'm going to Princeton. You know that 

Amanda - Can we talk at lunch? My fingers hurt from this little phone keyboard 

Emma - Yeah. Hey how much you wanna bet Sandra sits with Michael at lunch? 

Amanda - Why ARE you so obsessed with Sandra and Michael? 

Emma - I'm not! 

Amanda - Yes you are 

Emma - No, I'm not. I could care less 

Amanda - Okayy...

3:44 pm 

Amanda - Hey Sandra. You wouldn't let me talk to you in first period, so now's my chance. I'm sorry for overreacting about Friday night. I don't want to fight and I don't want you and Emma to fight either. Please, can we just go back to being friends again? Prom is coming up at the end of the year, and I wanted to go with my 2 BEST FRIENDS. If we're still fighting, I might have to find someone else to go with. Please answer. 

Auto-response from Sandra - I love you, Michael. You are the only one I have right now <3 

Amanda - No, you have me! Sandra please forgive us both! 

Amanda - Sandra, call me please

5:56 pm 

Amanda - I messaged Sandra earlier but she wouldn't answer 

Emma - Why does that surprise you? 

Amanda - This is all your fault! If you hadn't gone and yelled at her for being with Michael, we'd all be friends now 

Emma - What if "we" don't wanna be friends right now 

Amanda - Why don't you want to be her friend? Excluding the fact that she told you to die in hell, she didn't do anything wrong 

Emma - She told me to go, not die. And I never said she did anything wrong 

Amanda - So WHY did you yell at her for MICHAEL??? 

Emma - I DON'T KNOW, OKAY!! Sometimes people do things without realizing they do it! Last year you poured a chocolate shake into Stacey's lap, but you didn't even know you did. Your arms and legs made you get up and pour it on her before you brain realized what you were doing 

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