February 4, 2014

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11:57 am 

Emma - Hey Amanda 

Auto-response from Amanda - Just moved in with Sandra! So excited!! 

Emma - Oh yeah I forgot that was today 

Emma - Well have fun unpacking and getting settled in. Scott and I are going to see a movie later, but he's picking me up early to get something to eat.  

Emma - Okay, so text me once you're all comfortable at your new "home" :) 

Emma - Scott's here-bye!

3:35 pm 

Amanda - What time are you going to Michael's again? 

Sandra - like 7:30 

Amanda - U nervous? 

Sandra - a little 

Amanda - just remember to have fun 

Sandra - I will 

Sandra - wait, where did you go? 

Amanda - oh I'm at the corner caf\u00e9. I had a craving for a nice, warm mocha latte 

Sandra - interesting 

Amanda - yes it is 

Sandra - alright well pick up something for me to take to Michael's on ur way back 

Amanda - like what? 

Sandra - I don't know, like a cake or jello 

Amanda - Haha I'll find something, don't worry 

Sandra - Thanks

7:14 pm 

Emma - I know this is last minute but good luck! 

Sandra - Aww thanks, Emma! 

Emma - You go to Michael's and impress the CRAP out of his parents 

Sandra - hahaha okay I will be sure to do that 

Emma - make them see how much you two are in love 

Sandra - definitely 

Emma - that is pretty much all the advice I got 

Sandra - good, because I have to go now :) 

Emma - text me when you get back? 

Sandra - Duh!!

10:26 pm 

Sandra - I'm ba-ack! 

Emma - How'd it go? Better than you expected? 

Sandra - Hmm, I guess you could say that 

Amanda - That's great! 

Sandra - I honestly don't know why I was so worked up over going. I had an awesome time! 

Emma - What did you do? 

Sandra - When I first pulled up, everyone was in the front yard. His parents, cousins, aunts and uncles...everyone. I got out of the car and everyone was like "Welcome Sandra!" like they knew me and were saying "welcome back" 

Emma - Hahaha seems like they were really excited! 

Amanda - I think its so nice they welcomed you into their home 

Sandra - It was! It was really sweet! He took me to his backyard and introduced me to everyone. His mom was so funny tho. She brought out this old photo album from when Mike was younger. He was such a cutie! We ate and then just hung out. 

Amanda - Did you get any time alone with him? 

Emma - Ooh I wanna hear this part 

Sandra - Yes, we did have a little time together :) 

Amanda - What did you do? 

Sandra - Mostly just kissed. We laughed a lot though. It wasnt anything someone said, just the comfort of being with each other. I know it sounds weird. I really did have fun though 

Emma - That's awesome. I'm so happy you had a good time :) 

Amanda - Me too!  

Sandra - When he dropped me off her walked me to the door and said the sweetest thing ever 

Amanda - What did he say?! 

Emma - OMG OMG OMG i'm getting excited haha 

Sandra - "Sandra, I'm so happy you came tonight. My family loved you. I honestly don't know what I would do if I hadn't met you. I want to be with you forever. I know we're in high school, but I feel like you are the one. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you." 

Amanda - That's it. I'm done. 

Emma - What?! I think that is soooooo romantic 

Amanda - I do too! Why can't all guys be like yours, Sandra? 

Sandra - Then Michael wouldn't be special :) 

Emma - Is he the one for you? 

Sandra - Yeah, I think so  

Amanda - You think? 

Sandra - No, I know he is. He's perfect 

Amanda - Did you say you loved him? 

Sandra - Of course I did silly :) I do love him. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me 

Emma - I love seeing you two together. It's so cute! 

Sandra - Haha thanks Emma 

Amanda - I can't wait until next weekend! 

Sandra - The February Festival? 

Emma - I know! I'm so excited! 

Amanda - I still need a date 

Sandra - I thought Emma was getting you one 

Emma - I know, i know. I'm working on it 

Amanda - It's hard, isnt it? 

Emma - Yeah 

Sandra - Don't worry so much about a date. just ask a guy friend to tag along 

Amanda - Yeah, but it's like a Valentine's Day thing. It'll be weird going with just a friend 

Emma - You do what you want girlie :) The most important thing is to have fun 

Sandra - Hey Emma, do u have anything going on tomorrow? 

Emma - Uhh, i dont think so. Why? 

Sandra - Wanna come over and spend the night? 

Amanda - Like the good ole days 

Emma - Yeah! Sounds like fun 

Sandra - I'm gonna go pick up some ice-cream, and then i'll be over to get you 

Emma - got it! See you soon!

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