December 3, 2013

7 0 0

11:13 am 

Sandra - Why did you bet on Justin? 

Taylor - What? 

Sandra - Emma says you owe her 10 dollars because he's gay 

Taylor - He is?? Shoot! Darn Emma! 

Sandra - Why?! 

Taylor - I don't know she started it 

Sandra - You are pathetic

6:59 pm 

Amanda - Hi! 

Taylor - Amanda? I thought Insta doesn't have connection there. 

Amanda - Where? 

Taylor - Germany...? 

Amanda - oh, I ran away. I'm going to stay with my Aunt Lisa and Uncle Mike. 

Taylor - WHAT?!? 

Amanda - Don't worry, I'm not alone! 

Taylor - Who are you with? 

Amanda - The love of my life - Cole <3 I met him in Germany. He was vacationing there alone. Turns out he's living on his own. Now we're running away to live together :) With my cousins, that is. 

Taylor - Amanda... 

Amanda - Gotta go! Plane's leaving!

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