Part 14

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Y/n's pov-

I walked out of the hospital. With the gang in front of me. I turned around and looked to the hospital. I looked back to the gang. They were now facing me. And had smiles. I ran up to them and gave two-bit a hug. We all walked to Darry's truck. And got in and drove off. I looked out the window. I looked at each house and its house number. I also look at each street. It doesn't match the address. So where is the house? I look back to the gang. They were singing songs from the radio. I giggled at two-bits voice. He then punched my shoulder. "Sorry Y/n,"he said. I nodded looking away.

At the Curtis' house-

I walked over to the couch. I sat next to Pony and Dally. Two-bit ran in and turned on Mickey Mouse. I giggled at how childish he is when it comes to Mickey Mouse. We watched Mickey mouse for a couple of hours. Till it was lunch time. "Let's got to Dairy Queen,"yelled Dally. The gang all agreed. They all got all got up and walked to the door. I nodded and tried to get off the couch. I still was in pain. But I was all lot better than before. The gang must have saw my struggle to get up. Because Two-bit and Soda helped me up. "Thanks,"I said. They gave me a smile. I let go of them. I walked on my own. We got in Darry's and Two-bits trucks. We drove to dairy queen.

We sat in a booth. A lady walked over and asked,"what would you like to order?" We all ordered a coke and a hamburger with fries.(You can change what you ordered if you want!) After, me,dally, Johnny, and ponyboy decide to go watch a movie.

At thedrive-in movie theater-

We walked over to the drive-in movie theater. The movie was gone with the wind. Half way through the movie. Two socs sat behind me and Ponyboy. "Hey baby. Why are you with these Greasers,"he asked me. I looked at them. And recognized them...they...are the ones who jumped me...I froze and turned around. They asked me again. But I was to scared to answer. I-Its....T-them...

The movie ended. And we all walked back to Pony's house. Every time I heard a stick brake I would jump. "What's wrong y/n,"asked Ponyboy. "Nothing Pony,"I answered. He must have noticed I wasn't okay. Because he stopped walking and gave me a hug. I hugged him back. I saw Johnny and Dally looking at us. Then I heard an engine. Wait....I've heard that engine before...I pulled away from Ponyboy. I looked at the car that made the noise. It was the blue mustang....I turned to Johnny,Ponyboy, and Dally. "I-its them,"I said. I then felt weak. I felt like I was gonna faint...Like I was gonna scream. They looked at the mustang coming closer. Then pony grabbed my hand. And began to run. I looked behind me. And Dally and Johnny were right behind us. We were a block away from pony's house. When I heard a car door open and slam shut. I didn't dare to look back. I then felt someone grab my hand and pull me back. I fell to the ground. I turned around and saw. Ponyboy on the floor with a bruise on his head. And dally fighting a soc. And Johnny on the ground being kicked.

I looked at who grabbed me. He had a lot of rings on his hand. He grinned at me. And pulled me up. He then pulled out a switch blade. I looked at dally. And he was on the floor but still fighting the Soc. I started to scream for the gang. I then felt something on my neck. I looked back at the soc. He had the blade on my neck. "Shut up broad,"he yelled. I nodded. I felt tears drip down my cheek. He them raised the blade to my cheek. I felt it cut a bit of my skin. "Let her go,"I heard someone yell. I felt something warm falling from my cheek. The soc then made another cut on my cheek. Making it an x mark. It started to sting. He then got up and ran into his mustang and drove away. I then was picked up by someone. I started to struggle. "Don't Y/n,"I heard the person say. I looked at them and it was Darry. I nodded. He carried me to the house. He placed me down on the couch. And brought out a first aid kit. Then the door opened. And Dally carrying Johnny. And soda is carrying Pony. Pony was unconscious. And johnny was awake. I looked back at Darry. He had a needle out. "Its hurt for a bit,"he said. I then scooted away from him. "Y/n I need to stitch that cut up,"he said walking over to me. I nodded and let him stitch my cut up. He than placed a patch over it. And he walked over to help Pony,Dally, and Johnny. They had bruises and a few cuts. "They will be find. They didn't have any deep cuts...Only Y/n,"Darry said. They all looked at me. And the patch on my cheek. Two-bit walked over and touched the patch. I then hissed and slapped his hand away. "Sorry Y/n,"he said. "Its okay Two-bit,"I said.

I have now been jumped twice. But I know it won't be the last of them....


Hey guys!! I hoped you liked the long chapter! And I just wanted to thank you all for 700 reads! Thank you all for voting,reading, and commenting! And for adding this story to your reading lists! That's all for today! Goodbye my readers!!

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