Part 57-❤

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Your Pov-

Time skip-

We finally got to the station as we waited till the boys got out. I heard someone yell my name out and I turn around to see Pony running over to me. We started to get closer again. My feelings haven't gone away for him. I still love him and being with him makes me fall in love with him even more. "Hey guys,"I said as I hugged him. Dally was behind him with his own luggage along with Pony's. I smiled at him and mouthed a thank you. I pulled away from Pony and hugged Dally. "Y/n,"I heard Jin say. I pulled away from Dally and turned to Jin. "Oh. Guys you remember Jin right,"I asked. They both nodded and shook Jin's hand.

"Let's get to the house then,"I said and started to walk out the station.

Time skip-

We got to the house with dally yelling at Pony for not taking his own luggage. I smiled at the scene. I missed seeing them and the dumb arguments. I grabbed pony's luggage and walked into the house. "Y/n,"Pony whined. I looked at him and sighed. He was pouting with puppy dog eyes. I looked at dally for help but he just ended up looking away. I looked at Jin and he walked into the kitchen. I sighed and glared at Dally. "Yes pony,"I answered. He smiled and grabbed my hand walking out the house. "Let's go out,"he said with excitement. I smiled but the froze. Does he mean like a date?? I blushed at the sudden thought but just followed him.

Jin's Pov-

I watched as Y/n walked out the door with pony. I smiled as she looked shocked at his sudden outburst. I turned back to the kitchen and continued to make dinner. I watched the time fly by and Y/n still hadn't come yet. Me and Dally finished eating when the door opened to a semi drunk Y/n. And Pony helping her in. "Let go of me,"Y/n yelled at pony. "Your just some bastard that hurt me leave me alone,"she yelled as she pushed him away and ran to her room. Pony stood there in shock and sadness in his eyes. "Is that how she sees me,"Pony whispered. I looked at dally as he walked to Pony who sat on the floor in tears. I looked away from them and walked to y/n's room. I stood and the door. Should I go in? What if she needs time to herself? I waited for a while until I heard Y/n start to sob louder. I opened the door to see her by her bed. I walked over as she looked at her arm. She was just looking at the tears fell on her arm. I sat next to her as she kept crying. She started to close her eyes and fell asleep on my shoulder. I'm sorry. Her ex boyfriend cheated on her and she had to forgive him quickly. While she barely had time to cry her feelings out. She kept it inside of her for so long. I smiled as she slept. I picked her up and placed her under the covers. Shes never drank before. People always gave her some at parties but she never took it. And now here she was drunk and asleep. I watched as she grabbed a pillow and hugged it. I smiled as her frown turned to a small smile.

I got up and looked at the door then back at y/n. "You shouldn't keep these tears inside Y/n. If you need to cry. I'm here for you. You don't need to keep it to yourself,"I whispered as she was in a deep slumber. I walked to the door and walked out the room. I stared at her then I walked out. I closed the door. I looked down the stairs and saw dally and pony talking. I guess I'm staying the night? I smiled and walked down the stairs. "Y/n is asleep. Do you guys know where your rooms are,"I asked. They both nodded and headed to the room. I turned to my backpack on the floor. I grabbed it and walked to the room I would stay in when I stayed over. I walked into the room right next to Y/n's. I placed my bag down and called my father. "Hello dad,"I asked. "Yes son? Why aren't you home yet,"he asked. I sighed and told him that I was staying at Y/n's house. He didn't say anything but then agreed and hung up. I've never been close with my father. Ever since my mom left me with him for another man. Ever since he would leave every break. I guess to see someone. But I've never asked why. But I know its a women. Just don't know where or who it is. I sighed and changed into my clothes that I had left form the last time I stayed. She made me get some clothes and leave them here for when I stayed over. To be honest I liked Y/n.

She's a unique girl. And isn't like the other girls that try to get my attention. But there is no chance she will go for me. She still loves Pony. And I don't stand against him.


I'm so sorry I haven't added a chapter for so long. I was pretty busy and had writers block. I hope you like this chapter. ❤

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