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'Jamie stop! Stop please! It hurts! Mommy!' said the chubby four year old Tyree to his older brother Jamie while running to the kitchen for his mother, on the other

hand Jamie was giggling at the fear of his little brother while chasing him with his plastic bb gun. 'JAMIE SILVER HOWLETT STOP AT ONCE OR YOU'LL REGRET IT

WHEN YOUR FATHER COMES HOME!' yelled mom silverfox, while Tyree was wrapping his arms to her legs sobbing. 'I was just playing mom, you don't have to tell

dad…' said Jamie innocently; now actually really feeling scared when he heard his mom bringing up his dad as a warning. Jamie is the troublemaker in the Howlett

family, even though Kayla has the power to pursue people to do as they were told, his growing mutant power can resist it. Jamie only ever fears his father, the


'I'm home!' said the tired papa, who smelled something was going on with his pups and love. He walked to the kitchen and saw his youngest son terrifyingly

holding tight to his wife's legs and his other boy looking at him with fear. Logan sighed at the sight, this happens all the time, he is not surprised anymore. It

almost feels like there was never a day that he comes home and he doesn't have to deal with his naughty cub. Logan is a short fuse, especially after a long day at

work, chopping and lifting woods. 'Jamie wait for me in the living room.' Was all he said, trying to calm his inner anger. 'but dad!' the eight year old tried to talk his

way out of what he knew was not anything he would like. 'I SAID NOW!' growled Logan at his boy. Jamie, who knew better not to argue with his father, hung his

head down and walked guiltily to the living room. 'Now what happened this time.' Said wolverine while kissing his wife and patting his baby girl who was being

carried by Kayla. ' Daddy, Jamie was hitting me on the face with the BB gun, I told him to stop but he didn't.' said the sobbing little one who is now cuddling into

his dad's arm. 'Is that right? Everything's alright now, I'll deal with your brother later, can you be a good strong pup for your old man right now?' said Logan softly

while giving the tightest bear hug to his youngest son. 'yes daddy.' Said the obedient boy now wiping his tears. 'That's my boy!' smiled Logan who ruffled his brown hair and walked to the living room.

Jamie who has exactly the same genetics from his father, a little feral, growing pup, act before thinking, bad temper, gives the big bad ass wolverine hard times all

the time. Jamie by now was very very afraid, he was trying to sniff the air and test how angry his dad was. All that was coming through his mind was what his dad

is going to do.

'Where's the BB gun.' said the wolverine sternly, Jamie stood up and took out the black plastic Bb gun from the back pocket of his jeans and unwillingly handed it

to his dad slowly. It was his favourite toy, he uses it to shoot on things in the forest, at school and at home, it was his life he would call it. The fact that his dad is

now confiscating it makes him really upset. Logan threw the gun to the floor, extended his metal claws and slashed it and then smashed it with his feet.

'Daaaaddd! No! No!' Jamie shouted with shock, he was crying his heart out when he looked at the small shattered pieces of plastics. Unable to say anything, Jamie

was carried by his dad with one arm while his dad yank down his pants and started spanking the living heck out of his behind, 'YOU! DO! NOT! HIT! YOUR!

BROTHER! YOU! DO! NOT! BULLY! ANYONE! DO! YOU! UNDERSTAND!' Logan yelled while smacking hard on his pups bottom between every word. Although Jamie

was exactly like Logan, he has metal bone structure since he was born, the first time Logan had to tan his son's bottom he found out that the healing factor and

probably the metal has not developed to his tush yet, which created a way on disciplining his energetic cub. After around a dozen and a half, Jamie's behind was

glowing red. This is exactly what he is afraid of from his dad. He told himself that he will never ever act out of line if this is what happens after every time. Which of

course is what he told himself every time right after his painful punishment, but being a growing pup, Jamie cannot resist the temptation of fun which always leads

him back to the position where he is right now. Logan let his now sobbing son down on his feet, Jamie start rubbing his tush fiercely while begging his dad to

forgive him. 'I'll never do it again, I promise! Really, I'm sorry, please dad please.' Logan never liked spanking his pups, he loves them, sure he always acts as the

bad parent and Kayla always acts as the good parent, he is always strict on his boys, but he truly care and love them and that's the only reason he is being that

hard on his boy Jamie. Especially Jamie, since he is the most like him.

'Come here pup.' Logan let out a sigh and cuddled his sobbing son into his arm. He let him cry all he wanted. Logan was never the father who says I love you

unless it comes to his baby girl who's 2 years old, he is already spoiling her at the age of two, giving her longer bathing time when she pouts and looks at him with

her pleading big blue eyes saying ' Pweaseeeee Dada, Pweaseeeee!' , letting her have sweets when she's not supposed to, otherwise he wouldn't say it, but

whenever he gets home late from work and the kids were asleep, he would go into their room and checked them the first thing he gets home or when his cubs

were sad he would throw them into a short bear hug and ruffle their hair and send them off with words like 'toughin' up kid.' Or 'It's gonna be alright.' His love for

his kids is always from his actions, not words. 'You be a good pup right now alright? I don't want to have to repeat this, got it?' said Logan while making his son

stand and talk to him in the same eye level. 'Got it' said Jaime softly still recovering from the stings. 'Good lad, apologize to your brother and help your mom make

the table for dinner.' And sending his son off with a light smack on his behind which caused his son to jump a little, he chuckled and thought, 'what would I do

without these pups.'

Thanks for reading!

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