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"Lawrence?!" I call as I walk alongside the person who I thought was dead. I haven't slept all day or night but my sister who I wanted to kill means more to me than before.

"Lawrence?!!" I call out once more, overlapped with a "Pa?" from Toby.

I turn to him and I stare into his hard and cold eyes. "I'll check upon the heath, you remain on the ground."

He nods and he jogs down the road, taking a sharp right turn to his left, leaving me to run up the hill, where a house remains. The one which Lawrence tumbled down and I hit her with the butt of my gun. Right there. Where I stand.

I look up to the hill and swallow some saliva which my body coincidentally produced. I run up the hill, calling her name.

Ahead of me stands two people, holding each other in an embrace. One has black hair, muscular and familiar. The other has short brown hair, a slim build and again - recognisable.

"Lawrence?" I question. She turns around and catches my eyes, and departs from his arms and leaps towards me, coiling her arms around my neck; whispering my name into my ear, smiling gently.

"Lawrence?" I can't hug her. I don't know why but... I can't.

"I thought you died down there!" she rests her head on my shoulders and that's when I feel the rush of innocence and affection down my back, making me feel relaxed.

"Same..." I frown and I smile at her baring in mind I can't see her face. I then look up to Adam and he just stares at me, tugging his thick eyebrows together; causing me to concentrate on my sister once more.

She lets go of me and rests her hands onto my shoulders and smiles. "I was gonna go down there-"

"Have you seen James at all?"

Lawrence raises an eyebrow. "Last time I saw him was when he went to take me back to New Elizabeth. But then he went with Toboni, I think..." she pauses and speaks again, "Maybe down by the Healing Faction!"

That's my sister...

"Right. Bring Toboni with us. Adam, you coming?"

His arms are folded and he scowls at me but he responds with a "Fine... Just to protect Lawrence though."

Lawrence looks over her shoulder and smiles at him, mouthing a "Thank you," to him. She looks at me and nods. "I'll fetch Toboni and then we'll set off." and she runs indoors, leaving me with Adam.

"Do ya think this is some kind of joke?" Adam snaps as he strides up to me, striking me across the face by the back of his hand. "Yer takin' her away from me! Ever since you revealed that you are her sister, she is slowly moving away from me! We pretty much promised we'd be together-"

"That's metaphorical! She ain't a tool! You can't carry her around like a hammer and use her whenever! She is her own person and you can't change that!" I hit him in return and he snarls at me, grabbing me by the torn collar and raises his fist and draws it closer-

"ADAM?!" Toboni paused in absolute shock and I see a hand reach for his wrist and wrenching it to his back, bowing to the floor. "WHY ONE EARTH DID YOU TRY TO HURT HER?! We said we'll go through a problem together but you don't take it out on her or anyone!"

Adam grunted, gritted his teeth and winced. "I'm sorry!"

"You can't be sorry for hurting someone!" Toboni snapped. "This seems sexist how three girls are over-powering one man who hit the girl - misconstrued by her behaviour."

"I'm sorry! Okay?! I don't know what got to me! Just please! I'm a Descendant too! I have never been through that type of anger before... like Lawrence... just... forgive me. Please?" I can see that there was a change in his behaviour... and appearance.

Before, he had some sparkling yellow eyes like a dragon but now they are back to a dark brown shade.

Lawrence frowns as she releases him. "I forgive you..."

Adam looks at her and smiles and smiles forgivingly, embracing each other. "Okay star-crossed lovers, snap out of it and let's find James before some crazy shit happens." I say and they release and we make our way down the hill, back to the floor, ready to find James Rexha... and his son.

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