Chapter 6

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I freaking wrote this... And it got freaking deleted the next day. Rdusvhjddvurvjehjh!!!!!?!?!?!!!*angry screams* Well then...
Watch the video!!! And enjoy the chapter.🙂
Take two

Kanan's pov

"Ezra who?! Tell me who?!" He didn't respond back and stayed sobbing into my chest. I sighed realizing I wasn't going to get an answer from him and instead placed my forehead on his. I reached out into the bond looking for recent painful memories, sadly it didn't take long to find too many to count. I decided to start with the first one.

Ezra's memory of first arriving at the medical station

I saw Ezra getting off of the ship and walking towards the main entrance. Waiting for him was about four people in white lab coats... Weird for a medical center. They turned to him with faces showing no emotion. "Are you Extra Bridger?" Ezra gave a faint node and stood his ground, before I knew it two of these suspicious group of people had grabbed his arms and pulled him inside of the building. Leaving both the past Ezra and the present me in tears.

End of memory

I awoke with a gasp and was relaxed to find Ezra half asleep in my arms. I took a few breaths and went in for more information, even though deep inside I already knew what was going on.

Ezras memory of being at the medical center

I looked around the room I was in and saw Ezra being held down on a lab table by some of the people I saw earlier. One was however busy with something else, he was turned around blocking me and Ezras view of what he was doing. "Compliance is necessary." He turned around with a muzzle of sorts and walked towards Ezra. I cried as there was nothing I could do but watch as they toyed with my boy. Ezra in the mean time was shrieking in fear as the people in lab coats held him down while the other strapped the muzzle to Ezra face. The muzzle was like nothing I had ever seen. It had a bit like the bridle of a horse, the form of a dog muzzle, and way to many straps to count. Overall it silenced it victims for sure. Once it was on the man put a lock on the back and hid away the key. In the meantime Ezra was let loose while he tried to take it off with no luck. I wished I could throw my arms around him and tell him everything was going to be alright but I knew, there was nothing I could do.

End of memory

When I awoke again I was more angry than before and once again, went back in.

Ezras memory of punishment at the medical center

I saw Ezra being dragged away with the muzzle still on his face. He looked like a complete wreak, did he even sleep at this place at all? The people dragging him chained him a brick wall in a dark room and left him. Before they closed the door the one that grabbed the muzzle from before stood in the doorway. "Please understand, this is for your own good. Compliance is necessary." All Ezra could do was make panicked noises and fight against the chains holding him back. I cried, my baby boy just wanted to come home."

End of memory

I came to with tears with Ezra still tucked in my arms. I took a deep breath and nuzzled my face into Ezra hair as I cry. I pressed my forehead against Ezras one more time and went in again.

Ezras memory of treatment

"We only want to help you." Ezra gasped for air, looking extremely exhausted with dark circles under his eyes. "Compliance is necessary" someone said while another chimed in "This will help clear some memories away, give you a more innocent child perspective again." "No wai-!" I gasped as they pushed his head into a sink full of water. Ezra was panicking and trying to fight against them but failed. They pulled him up again. "Stop! I wanna go home!"

End of memory

I shot up with a shriek and was upset to find Ezra awake again. "K-kanan, what did you do?" I looked into his clouded sapphire eyes and scooped him up into my arms. "Nothing, just a little scared is all." Deep inside though I was furious, he was supposed to be getting help... But he only got worse. I held him close and made my way towards home. As I walked home Ezra had some how managed to fall back asleep, thank goodness. I looked down at the sleeping child in my arms and smiled. "It's okay, I've got you now. And I'll never let you go again." I whispered into his ear softly. Eventually I saw the ghost in sight and then my face went grim. Time to explain to the others. As I walked up the ramp of the ghost the crew ran to meet me. "Kanan what happened?" I looked into Heras eyes "I'm burning that medical station to the ground." And with that I walked past them and to my room. I laid him on my bunk and pulled the blankets over him. "Sleep my child, everything's going to be okay." I said, tucking some of his loose hair behind his ear. I quietly left the room and closed the door. "Kanan we need to talk." I sighed "Yes, yes we do. But you're going to want to sit down for this." I placed a hand on Hera's shoulder and guided her to the common room where the others were, besides Ezra of course. "So as you all know, things have been different with Extra lately. He's not himself right now, we thought sending him away to people that could supposedly help Ezra make everything okay. Well it didn't make everything thing okay... It made things much worse. Far worse than ever." The crew stared at me with saddness and fear of what I was about to say next. "The people there abused Ezra." And with that Hera went into serial killer mode, Sabine was horrified, Zeb was furious, and Chopper... Well he made angry Droid noises. "So what's the plan?" Hera said while loading her pistol. "Woah calm down! Ezra is traumatized enough as it is, he doesn't need a battle ready crew destroying buildings at the moment." I exhaled after my rushing my sentences and took the time to breathe a little. "What Ezra needs, is a loving family." Everyone went silent and all began to stare into space. "K-k-kanan..." I turned around faster than the sound of light and saw Ezra standing in the doorway. Tears sliding down his cheeks and knees shaking. "I had a nightmare." I didn't think twice to scoop the kid up and head back to my room to handle this privately. I closed the door behind me and sat on the edge of the bottom bunk, Ezra hanging on to my as if I could disappear in any moment. "Ezra, it's okay. I'm here, you're going to be okay." He shook and cried as I held him close to my heart. "Wanna talk about it." "No... Yes, maybe." I ran my fingers through his hair "How about you start from the beginning." "I was back there, and they kept dunking me in a tub full of water... But soon the water began to turn into blood and there were body parts in it..." "Ezra, it's o-" "It was you guys." Ezra immediately began to sob and squeeze my midsection. I couldn't help but wonder how morrbid can a dream possibly be. "Baby boy, that's not going to happen. We're all here safe and sound on the ghost. No one's going to hurt you." Ezra grabbed my hand and I smiled. Don't worry, I've got you.

 Don't worry, I've got you

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Hey guys! Thanks the suggestions guys! Hope this was somewhat close to what some of you were talking about, but keep in mind that I'm not finished yet

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Hey guys! Thanks the suggestions guys! Hope this was somewhat close to what some of you were talking about, but keep in mind that I'm not finished yet.😂
See ya!

Col out🥜🥒🥜🥒🥜🥒🥜

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2018 ⏰

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