Chapter One

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I've liked Bill Denbrough since first grade. We've been best friends since second grade. He's liked Beverly Marsh since third grade. I've always been okay with his feelings for Bev, because Bev and I are good friends.... but sometimes I get jealous. My jealousy has never been bad, but once it was off the charts. It was after we killed that stupid clown, Pennywise. We all made a promise that if it came back, we would come back and kill it again. I was one of the last people to leave. Then, I remembered I left my necklace on the ground. As I headed back, I saw something that I wish I could unsee. Bill and Beverly kissed..... TWICE! I waited until she walked away to come into the clearing. I ignored Bill saying something to me and I grabbed my necklace. He tried to follow me, but I was too fast. I ran away, as fast as my legs would take me. As soon as I got home, I went to my room and broke down on my bed. I ended up crying myself to sleep that night.
     This now brings us to the present day. I wake up the next day to find out we are moving. Personally, I don't care because I'm super upset. We're getting ready to leave, and I haven't told the other losers.
"Mom, I'm going to tell my friends I'm leaving," I yell up the stairs.
"Okay! Be back by three," she yells back.
     I hop on my bike and go over to Stan's. He opens the door after I hang on it a few times.
"Hey y/n/n, what are you doing here?" He asks.
"I need to tell you something," I say.
He steps out of his house and shuts the door, "What is it?"
"I'm moving today," I look down.
"What? Why didn't you tell us?" He asks.
"I just found out today....," I'm still looking at my shoes.
He pulls me into a hug, "What am I going to do without my partner in crime?"
A tear rolls down my cheek, "I don't know. I'm going to miss you the most." I've been best friends with Stan since kindergarten. He was my first friend.
"Don't cry, we'll call each other everyday," He hugs me tighter.
"Of course... I have to go now," a few more tears fall down my cheeks, "Tell the others for me."
He pulls me out of the hug, "I will." He then kisses me on the forehead and says bye. I wave and head back to my house. My mom rushes me into the car and my dad puts my bike in the back of his truck. As we get closer to the highway, I see the losers all looking at my truck. They all look upset, especially Stan, Bill, and Beverly. (A/n- Beverly doesn't move away in this story) I just turn back to look out the front window.
"Mom, where are we moving anyways?" I look at her.
"Hawkins, Indiana," she keeps her eyes trained in the road.

Plot Twist? Probably not but anyways hope you enjoy this story. Word Count- 520

The Lost Sisters (ST and IT Crossover)(Stanley Uris X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now