Chapter Four

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Eleven POV
I know Y/n is like me. It's weird because I've never been able to sense someone like me. When I first met her, there was a small feeling in my gut, but as time progressed the feeling got stronger. Then the dreams came of her and I at the lab. More like memory's. Later on, there was another girl in my dream memory's. This led me to realize, they're were two other girls like Kali and I.... and they were near.

     I walk out of my room with Bev to be engulfed in a big hug. Slowly, I smile and hug back.
Once everyone pulls away, Bill asks, "You okay now?"
"Yeah, Bev helped me," I smile.
"Alright, let's go hang out with Mike and all them," Richie says.
"Okay," I say.
     We all hop on our bikes and go over to Mike's house. We're not even prepared for what we walk into. Dustin and Lucas and wrestling, Will is cheering them on, Max is laughing so hard that it looks like she might explode, and Mike and El are cuddling in the couch totally oblivious to everything that is happening. Eddie then clears his throat and everyone looks over at us.
"Oh, you finally got y/n out of her house," Will says.
"Yeah.... it took some convincing though," Ben says.
"Why didn't you come hang out with us when we asked?" Dustin asks.
"Um, reasons....," I say.
"What kind of reasons?" Lucas asks suspiciously.
"Reason reasons," I sass.
"Alright then," Lucas says.
     At first, we don't do much but talk and get to know each other better. But then Bev brings up the idea of playing truth or dare. Everyone seems down with this idea, but I'm not really comfortable with the idea. Though I don't mention it.
"Y/n, truth or dare," Lucas asks me.
"Uh, truth," I say.
"What was the specific reason you would hang out with us," he asks.
I tense up, "Um, well.... it was more of an emotional reason that I am not comfortable sharing."
Lucas groans and rolls his eyes, "Alright."
"Truth or dare Max?" I ask.
"Dare," She says confidently.
"I dare you to go outside and yell something really embarrassing about yourself," I say.
"Pfft, that's easy," she runs upstairs and we hear the door shut. A few seconds pass and she comes running back down the stairs, "Done!"
"Bill, truth or dare," Max asks him.
"D-dare," He says.
"I dare you to kiss Beverly," she grins.
Billy nods and turns to Beverly and they start to kiss. It literally goes on for an entire minute. I try so hard not to look away or throw up. They stop and are blushing like crazy.
"Awww, you two are so in love," Max smiles, "You had a full on make out session!"
     That's it, I could keep it down any longer, "Mike, where's your bathroom?"
     He points to a door and I rush in there and lock the door. I start to throw up into the bathroom while I hear them continue their game of truth or dare. After about fifteen minutes of me vomiting, there comes a knock on the door.
"Hey y/n? You okay?" Stan asks.
"Nope," I continue to throw up.
"Open the door please," He says.
     I'm so weak, that I have to crawl over to the door so I can unlock it. As soon as he sees me on the ground he rushes over to my side.
"Oh my god! Are you okay?" He's kneeling next to me.
"No, I just threw up everything I had in my system and I feel like I'm going to faint," I say weakly.
He puts me on his back in a piggyback ride style, "I'm going to take you home now. Okay?"
"Alright," I lay my head on his shoulder.
We walk out and Bill jumps up, "Are you okay y/n?"
"She got really sick in the bathroom," Stan answers for me, "I'm taking her home."
"Oh, okay. Feel better y/n," He puts a hand in my arm.
"Okayyyyy," I hold out the y for some reason.
Stan ends up walking me and my bike home. He seems to be getting tired of carrying me, so I slide off his back and try to walk next to him. I end up falling to the ground instead. He helps me up and I use him as support.
"Thanks for helping me," I say after a while of silence.
"Anything for my partner in crime," he smiles.
I grin at him saying that and we continue to walk to my house.
When we finally get there, we stand in my porch and I ask, "Are you going to be okay walking back to Mike's?"
"Yeah, I will," He says.
"Okay, good," I nod.
We stand there for a second and then I end up doing something that surprises Stan and myself. I lean up and kiss Stan gently on the lips. At first, he seems shocked, but then he starts to kiss back. We kiss for a while until I pull away. He looks startled but then smiles.
"Good night y/n," he grins like an idiot.
I hug him, "Good night Stanley."
     I walk inside my house and go to my room. I'm smiling so much that my face might break. I go to sleep with a huge grin on my face, still super happy that I kissed Stan.

Are you surprised? Probably not because you could of seen it coming. Word Count- 920

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