Chapter Three

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{(Time Skip to Next Summer)}
     It's been a year and I've become really good friends with the A.V Club. They even let me join their party after El and Max kept persisting. I was told the story about the Upside Down, Demogorgon, and El. In return, I told them the story about Pennywise. We became closer after this story because we've been through these traumatizing experiences. However, something happens at the begging of the summer that shocks me. I find out the losers are coming down here to spend the summer.
     I stay locked in my room, not ready to face Bill and Bev. I know they are in town because the party has invited me to hang out with them many times. I've ignored all their invites. Then, one day there comes a knock on the door. I answer it to be swept up into a hug by none other than Stanly Uris.
"I've missed you so much!" He says, still crushing me in a hug.
"I've missed you too," I smile. He sets me down and I've noticed he's gotten a lot taller and his hair has gotten a lot curlier.
"Why aren't you coming out to hang with us?" He asks.
"Well, I'm not quite ready to talk to Bill and Bev yet.... I know it's stupid but I'm just afraid I might start crying," I practically whisper.
"Y/n—," he starts but is then cut off by talking behind him.
"Richie, you better give me my fanny pack back," Eddie yells.
"No!" Richie yells back. I look around Stan's shoulder and see everyone standing there.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no," I mumble. I start to shut the door but then Stan stops me.
"Come on y/n, come hang out," he grabs my hand.
"I-I can't," I start to cry. I yank my hand out of his grasps and slam the door. I run to my room and start to cry on my bed. A few seconds later, I hear footsteps come towards my door. The door bursts open and all the losers are in my room. I grab a pillow and burry my head underneath it. Someone then tries to take the pillow off my head. They successfully yank it out on my grasps and throw it across the room. I see Bill is the one who took the pillow away and I roll off my bed. They all give me weird looks.
"Y/n/n? You okay?" Bev asks.
"I'm just fine," I hold my hands out in front of me in a defensive stance.
"You don't look okay," Ben says.
"I'm fine. I just want some alone time," I back up into my wall.
"Your acting really weird," Mike H says.
"Am I? I didn't notice....," I say sarcastically.
Bill starts to walk towards me, "Y-y/n.... w-what's wrong?"
"N-nothing," I croak out, on the verge of tears.
Stan walks over to me and takes me into his arms and I break down. I start to sob, soaking Stan's shirt.
"What's wrong with her?" Bev asks.
"I'm not sure," Stan lies. He knows what's wrong.
"I-It's nothing," I shake violently.
Bev walks over to me and takes me in her arms, "Boys, leave. We're going to have a girl to girl talk."
They all nod and leave.
"Y/n, what's wrong?" She asks. I just sit there. "Is it about a boy?" She asks. I slowly nod. "Okay, whats his name?" She continues. I shake my head vigorously. "Alright, you don't want to tell me his name. Tell me the story then," she says.
"W-well, there is this guy I like. However, he has a girlfriend. We're friends but he doesn't know I like him. I saw him and his girlfriend kiss once and that broke me," I say.
"That really sucks y/n," she says.
"Yeah, I know," I mumble.
"Well, my advice is to try and get over him. You don't want to be upset every time you see this girl with him. You deserve someone who sees you for the amazing girl you are," she smiles.
"Thanks Bev," I smile back and hug her.

Word Count- 707

The Lost Sisters (ST and IT Crossover)(Stanley Uris X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora