Chapter Eight

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     This electric blue color is radiating off me. I feel this electricity pulsing in my veins. It's scaring me. This is all new. Everyone just stares at me in shock. Eleven is the only one who doesn't seem surprised. I start to freak out even more once electricity flies from my hands. This is all too much.
I run out the door and through the woods. In the distance I can hear the others chasing me, but I'm too scared to look back.
     Lightning and electricity start to crack down, striking trees leaving marks and smoke. As if to set the mood, rain starts to come down in buckets. The rain isn't putting out the blueish color coming from me.
     "WHAT IS HAPPENING!" I scream as I stop running for a second.
    That's when I hear it. It's like a low growling noise. I slowly turn around to see something behind one of the trees close to me. My breathing hitches as I start to back away slowly. Then I slip. I let out a yelp as my ankle gets caught under a log, twisting it into a rather unpleasant sight to look at. The creature behind the trees snaps it's head to look at me. It's face starts to open up, almost looking like a flower. I scream as it approaches me. Electricity then comes crackling out of the sky and down upon the creature. It lets out a screech and runs into the woods. I hear the others screaming for me and I see flashlights before I pass out.

     My eyes flutter open to be greeted by sunshine. I sit up and take a look around. I'm in my room and I see El asleep on the floor next to my bed. Quietly, I slide off my bed and go into the bathroom. When I see my reflection, my eyes widen. I look like shit.  My hair is in knots, there's cuts and mud on my face, and my clothes are also covered in mud. I head back to my room and grab some shorts and a t-shirt, along with a towel. I hop in the shower and scrub all the dirt stains off my body. The cuts sting when they come in contact with the hot water. When I'm done, I dry myself off, put my clothes on, and put my hair in two dutch braids.

     I walk back into my room to be greeted with El sitting on my bed. "Good morning," she smiles.

     "Good morning," I smile back.

     "Sorry for sleeping over, but I wanted to stay and make sure you were okay."

"Oh, that was really sweet of you, but I can assure you I'm fine," I smile, clearly lying through my teeth.

"Honey I know your lying. We can talk if you want," El says patting the seat beside hers.

"I hesitate before sighing and sitting down next to her. "What happened last night? I don't really remember anything besides seeing what I believe to be a Demogorgon."

It seems as if El is trying to choose her words carefully, "Well Stan and Bill got into a fight and then this um bluish color starting radiating off of you. It was like in the comic books that Mike and Max have showed me. You then ran out of the house and when we found you, you were passed out and covered in mud and blood. Stan carries you here and cleaned off the blood but there was still a lot of mud. Now, I'm going to be extremely blunt with what I say next but you have to believe me. You're like me I think. Not exactly like me because I don't think you were born in a lab and raised there, but I think you have powers like I do. The only difference is you were born with yours. I know this may be a lot to take in but you have to trust me."

I'm sitting there with my jaw dropped in disbelief. There's no way in hell I can have powers. No way. Not at all. My parents are completely normal! My brother is completely normal! I'm completely normal! How in the world could I be born with powers to two powerless people. I need air. This is all in my head. I stand up and walk out, leaving El sitting on my bed. Stumbling outside the sunlight shines bright in my eyes. My thoughts are racing. There's only one thing I can do. Run.

I take off into a sprint. I don't bother to look back, nor do I bother to see where I'm going, all I know is that I have to get the hell out of here. My legs and lungs are burning but I don't care. Run. Run. Run. That's the only thought going through my head. When I finally stop I realize I'm at the quarry. My breaths are heavy and my head is still spinning. I drop to my knees. The sunlight suddenly goes dark. Clouds come. My lungs are burning almost itching at me to scream away all the pain. I can't hold it in any longer. I scream.

Lightning comes crackling down hitting the water, the rocks, the trees. It's almost like a lightning storm. When my voice gives out the lightning stops almost as suddenly as it started. I shut my eyes tight and pray this is all a dream. When I open them I look down at my hands. They are glowing a blue color. What the hell is happening to me?

HEY BITCHES I FINALLY UPDATED! It's been a while how have you been? I've been rather decent if I say so myself. I was lowkey gonna forget about this whole story but I was then like I gotta give the people what they want soooo here you go. I hope you enjoy it! (Also thanks for 4K reads like holy shit that's a lot and I wasn't expecting this story to do well.)

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