Chapter Ten

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     It didn't take long for someone to find me. My vision was still rather blurry because of the tears and most likely because of the lack of hydration, so I couldn't quite make out who it was. I feel a bottle of water pressed up to my lips, and a familiar voice comes along with it.

     "D-drink, you need w-water," Bill says.

     I snatch the bottle from his hand and down it in an instant. he hands me another one, and I drink half of that one before putting the cap back on. I smile up at him, "Thanks." My voice is raspy and my throat feels raw. I look away from him and back up at the approaching storm clouds. Did I do that? I start to drift off, but Bills' voice and the feeling of rain on my cheeks brings me back.

     "We sh-sh-should probably h-head b-back. It's g-getting d-dark," he said, helping me to my feet. He puts my arm around his shoulder and helps me back to his bike. Once we are both seated, I wrap my arms around his waist. I felt him tense up under my touch. Feeling this, I take my hands off his waist, but he grabs my hands and puts them back. "Hold on t-tight," he said, biking away from the quarry.

We reunited with the others at Mike's house. Everyone rushed to my aid. There was lots of arguing, asking if I was okay, and questions. El was able to quite them all down though. "Guys, I know this is a strong statement, but I think y/n is like me. As in she has some sort of power. I think she was born with hers naturally instead of in a lab like me." This statement just has everyone erupt into conversation.

     "Well no shit she's like you," Richie starts. "She had this blue light coming off her and looked like she was about to detonate."

"Well if anything we have to figure out what's going on with y/n for her well-being," Stan puts his arm around me and plays with the ends of my hair. Out of the corner of my eye I see Bill glaring at us.

Max puts her hands together, "Alright, so that settles it, we need to keep an eye on her at all times. Other people could be after her, so we need to make sure she's safe. We can do like shifts or something."

Everyone nods, but I feel like they're going to have a hard time arguing against Stan for shifts. After a whiteboard got pulled out and a schedule was made, the first person on y/n watch duty was Lucas. While he kept an eye on me, the others would go out and do research and stuff, then there would be a shift switch and so on and so fourth.

"Has something like this every happened before?" Lucas asked me once everyone left.

"No, it honestly scared the shit out of me. I didn't know what to do, and there was all this... energy. Like an adrenaline rush times a million," I laugh a bit.

Lucas nods, "If you don't mind me asking, what did it feel like? You know when you did the whole electricity thing and then the storm and lightening thing."

I think for a second and look up at him, "It felt like I was... unstoppable. The electricity thing felt like I was being shocked my electricity, but instead of pain I felt relief. Like, I was getting all that extra energy out. Now the storm thing was crazy. I felt like I was Thor and I was in the middle of some epic battle where I had to just rain down lightening on my opponents."

"That sounds really cool but also scary. You don't know the full extent of what you can do, so maybe you could do stuff like zap people or summon electric eels," Lucas says.

I laugh at the electric eel comment, "It honestly is really scary. I cant control it so what if I hurt someone, especially someone I care about. This whole thing is life changing and I don't know if it's for the better or worse."

"Trust me, I get that better than anyone else," Lucas says, "In the beginning, when we found El, I wanted nothing to do with her because I knew it would bring new people in our life and new problems, and I wanted everything to stay the same. However, now I'm glad she came into our lives because now we aren't just a group of kids who sit in our basement and play D&D all day. We go out and save people which is very exhilarating."

I'm about to say something when everyone comes barging in. "Guys," Mike starts, "we found something."

Here's a short update. Until next year my loyal readers. (Also thanks for 8k reads, when I started this thing I thought no one would read it, but here we are now.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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