Chapter 10~ I'm the Boss Around Here

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Harry and I spent the entire day together in the movie theater watching movies. We had watched over ten by dinner time.

When we walked down for dinner, we stoped when we heard yelling coming from the dining room. We stayed out of sight as we listened to the conversation.

"THERE IS NO BLOODY WAY! I AM THE BOSS AND I SAY NO!" I could hear the fury in my father's voice.

"Why won't you just listen! We can't keep telling him what to do! He is nineteen years old! He can do whatever the hell he wants to!" I heard my mum yell back, a little calmer than my dad.

"EVERYONE LISTEN UP!" I heard Anne yell above everyone and it all went quite.

"I agree with Jay. Louis can do what he damn well pleases! And so can Harry! If he doesn't want to marry Eleanor, then he shouldn't have to marry Eleanor!" Anne seemed calmer than before.

"That is not how this works! Louis is to marry Eleanor and that is final! I will not have a faggot for a son! No matter how much you or he fights it, it is going to happen! I am the boss around here!" My dad was calmer than before.

"He's right, Anne! Harry is already a faggot and we can't have Louis encouraging it! Louis and Eleanor are going to get married! You women don't get to decide anything!" Harry's dad said, and felt Harry shiver.

I turn around to see Harry staring at the wall with tears rolling down his cheeks. I hug him tightly. Longing to kiss his tears away, but I can't. Not right where our parents could walk in on us.

"C'mon, Hazz. Let's just go upstairs. I have snacks under my bed we can eat if you're hungry." I whisper and he just nods his head.

He grabs a hold of my hand as we walk up the stairs. I get butterflies every time we touch.

"Alrigt, Hazz. How does Netflix and crisps sound for tonight?" I say, grabbing my laptop from my desk.

"Sounds good to me. Could you also lock the door? I don't really wanna talk to anyone right now besides you." He looks down at his hands as he talks.

"Of course, love." I realize that I have called him that twice now. I wonder if he has noticed.

After the door is locked, I climb into Harry's bed and set up my laptop. We ended up just watching a bunch of random movies.

I look over and Harry is sound asleep, with his head on my chest, and his arm around my waist. Our legs are tangled together, and I have never felt more comfortable. I wish we could just be like this forever. I wish that Eleanor and our dads were out of the picture. But I'm afraid that's not going to happen. If we could only have this life for one more day.
I woke up to see Harry looking up at me. His green eyes shining in the morning light.

"Well good morning, love. Did you sleep well?" I said looking into his emerald eyes.

"Of course I did, I got to sleep with you." He says, a light pink tint crossing his cheeks.

"Same here." I whisper, then kiss the top if his head. He turns and looks up at me.

Before I knew it, his lips were moving against mine. The fireworks went off inside me and the butterflies came back. I wish I could have this all the time. I mean, is it too much to ask for something great?

When we both pulled away, we just stared into each others eyes for a bit. We were snapped out of the trance when we heard a knock on the door. I sighed and got up.

I first went to my bed and made sure it looked like I slept in it. Then opened it to reveal mine and Harry's mums. They looked at us with sad smiles.

"Good morning boys. We, erm, have something to tell you." Anne looked between the Hazz and I.

"If it's about the conversation everyone had last night, there's no need to talk because we heard everything." I say, trying not to cry, remembering that Harry and I can't be together.

"Don't worry, boys. We are going to stop this wedding. No matter how hard we have to work." My mum said triumphantly. I just smiled at her.

"You really think it's possible?" Harry asked from where he was still laying from waking up.

"I really do, Harry. We have a plan. We just have to pray that it will work. And we know it's going to shake up the countries. But we have to do something and this is the only way we can be sure that it will work." My mum looked at us with a look of confidence on her face.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" I ask, hoping the plan will work, whatever it is.
It was crazy. The plan was going to make our two countries go crazy. I just hoped the people would be on our side, otherwise, the plan might not work.

First things first, I have to pretend to be head over heels for Eleanor. It sounds crazy, but the plan is going to take a little time. And in the meantime, I was "in love" with Eleanor.

"Well hello, El. How are you doing this fine evening?" I ask, cringing at the sight of her cold, brown eyes.

"Well I'm just fine, love." She says in an innocent tone. I cringe again at the nickname.

"So, do you wanna go out tonight around the town. You know, like for a carriage ride?" I really didn't want to be in a carriage with her, but this was all part of the plan. I needed to get her out of the house for a bit.

"That sounds lovely! Let's go!" She grabbed my hand and took me towards the door.

I saw Harry walk by and I glanced over at him. He was looking down. I swore I saw tears in his eyes. My poor Hazz. Why is he crying? I really wanted to rip my hand away from Eleanor and kiss Harry, but I can't. Not right now.

Harry's POV
I hate it. I hate it so so so much. I know it is all part of the plan, but I still hate it so much.

I hate seeing Louis hold Eleanor's hand. I hate seeing Eleanor flirting with him. But I also hate the pain in his eyes when he is with her. I know he hates it too.

He smiles, but it never reaches his eyes when he is with El. If you cover up his mouth, he looks so sad. And I just can't stand it. All I want to do is run over and kiss him and tell him everything is going to be alright.

I just want to run away with him and never ever look back on this awful life I live. I know he wants to as well, he talks in his sleep.

I bet he talks in his sleep because he can't go to bed with out a cup of tea. That is just one of the many little things I love about Louis. Hopefully this plan will work, just so Louis can be all mine.

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