Magic Cookies

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Reader pos.

I got home, head aching and almost throwing up. 'What did he do to me.. why me..' I waddled to the bathroom and fell, due to the headache. "Oscar... Star... Jackie... anybody... please... make it stop.." I said lowly. I felt something in my chest, like it was ripped open. I screamed. As loud as I could before my voice was slowly dying. 'Please let this be a bad dream! Let me still be sleeping peacefully in my bed!!' I thought. My heart was racing and I hugged myself on the floor. No one was home, I figured it. 'Someone... help me..' Like on point, someone ran into the house and upstairs. It sounded like more than one pair of feet so I guessed there are more people. But I didn't care. I wanted it to stop. I screamed again. My headache getting worse than before. By every step they made, my headache grew and grew. "(Y/N)!" Yelled someone. I couldn't figure out who it was though. It seemed like they all yelled together or something. I just.. I can't anymore.. I passed out, due to the pain and suffering.

Star pos.

I made my way upstairs with Marco, Jackie and Oscar. We heard her scream so we hurried. As we got to the bathroom we saw her. Pain written all over her face. She was on the ground. "(Y/N)!" We yelled in unison. She passed out. "Oh god.. oh god oh god oh god! I-i need to call my mother! Or Tom...?" Marco glared at me. "Like he would help us. He made this mess! Let's... get her to bed at first.." I nodded. 'Marco is right...' I used my magic to pick (Y/N) up and float her to her bed. She seemed so peaceful when she's sleeping. "She doesn't deserve this... I will call Tom now." I said and stormed out of the room. "Wait!-" Jackie yelled after me but I didn't care. I wanted this to be over. I wanted that she stopped suffering. I grabbed my hand mirror I always had in my Star-shaped bag. I called Tom and he picked up right away. "Y-you want to co-" I cut his word. "You need to help (Y/N)." I said angry. No one hurts my friends without helping them to get better. "No. Why should I?!" He yelled. That's when I snapped. "You will come this instant or I will go to your house and kick your ass over here." My eyes flickered a little green, I didn't know why. "Star. There is nothing I can do. So plea-" I started to tear up. "THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING!! HELP HER!! SHE IS DYING!" I kind of overreacted but I knew he wouldn't want me to cry. "I... I will come." He said and ended the call. "Finally!" I screamed.

Reader pos.

I woke up. I didn't knew I fell asleep but I woke up. I heard Star scream a word but my head still ached. My stomach played Twister and my chest felt like it was ripped open. I panted heavily and I got dizzy. "S-star.. Marco... Jackie..." I said quietly. But they heard me. "Star! (Y/N) is awake!" Marco screamed out of the door. I held my head. "Be quiet safekid.." I chuckled quietly. I then felt a tap on my shoulder. My head turned to the source and I gagged. It was Tom. "W-why are you here, buttface." I said with so much hatred that I could muster up. "I am.. here to help.." he said. Star came upstairs and almost got a heartattack. "Tom! You are here!" She said. I held my head. "Be quiet... please.." I begged. I never did such a thing but I never was in such pain either. I mean, I already got a knife stuck in my arm, trying to protect Jackie, that's nothing compared to this. "I.. am sorry (Y/N).. bur you will die." I looked at Tom in shock. I didn't want to die. I never even imagined dying because I touched someone! "Heh, I was joking you dumb nuts. I asked my mom and she said that all you need is way too much tea and some of this." He held a little package in front of my face. I didn't feel like moving but I wanted to look away from his devilish handsom face. "Oh god.. what is this..? Frogs? Maybe even a rat?" I asked, spitting a bit. I felt like going numb. "No you idiot, those are cookies. Magic cookies. Eat them and you'll get better." Tom said. It looked like he cared... but I knew he just came because Star asked to. I turned my head and took the package, placing it on my lap. "Thanks.. I guess..." I said these words quietly. I never thought a demon would care about me. I know he didn't but.. just to think that he cared about me made me smile. "Now I need to go, preparing stuff." With a fingersnap, Tom was gone. I sighed, feeling tension fall off my shoulders. This is.. going to be a long day.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I'm a little sick that's why it might sound like overreacting. And just in case you were wondering, I always do these right on the spot. I write what comes to my head and connect it with the last chapter.

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