Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Eunji's POV

Eunji's POV

"Nice to meet you,Eunji" as he said those words, my mouth literally gaped open with wide eyes and I could seriously imagine a fly coming towards my mouth and building its own family, my mouth gaped that long, All I can say is that he is Intimidating, you could actually feel gloomy at first sight, I fixed myself together and spoke.

"Omygod, I thought you were an old guy, wow" I looked up and down "but how old are you?" I asked, Plastic Surgeries are biggies nowadays "23" he said as he sipped brandy from his glass, he was looking straight at my eyes like he was looking at my soul.

"Omygod" Two meanings, Its a godly wish to be able to have sex with him and I wasn't able to bring my sexy lingerie, just the one I wore from the Auction, my thoughts are so damn pathetic, seriously eunji.

Looking at the whole moment I am right now, it feels like something is wrong, something is quite not right about what's happening. Thinking about what will happen is giving me goosebumps, knowing that sometimes I do feel like this when bad things happen to me.

I was busy with my thoughts, until I noticed the limousine to stop in front of the Mall "what?" questioning the fact that we were suppose to be in a hotel or his mansion but no, were in front of a freaking Mall

As I look more over the tinted window, Its no shock that cameras are flashing outside, mostly from the International Medias "How do you live like this?" I asked without looking at him and as I was about to face him, he threw me a bonnet and a winter jacket, "Wear that" I threw him a glare "I dont want controversy to go around my name and mostly my company" he said, I wore it as the door was opened for us.

The camera flash almost blinded me because they took a picture of me way too near, one of the bodyguards pushed the photographer, Jungkook held my arms as I almost tripped from the lack of vision I got from the camera flash and the bonnet almost covering half of my eyes.

We reached the entrance of the mall safely and thanking all the gods I did not lost my arm or something, "That was Intense" I chuckled as I brushed off the dirt I got from the commotion, I looked at the Entire establishment and noticed something.

"The mall is empty" I looked at Jungkook with a questioning face "You wouldn't want others to steal your style, well do you?" he said as we were welcomed by mall employees.

"What are we doing here anyway?" I asked because for some reason, I was bought for my virginity "Isn't it obvious?" he rolled his eyes at me "go buy everything you want, Id be right here"

"I did not bring any cash, gosh" Its actually embarrasing "I'll pay for everything...after all you're my property" he whispered the last one and I wasn't able to hear it.

"What?" I asked, Instead of answering he ignored me and I was pulled by a sale's lady, I blinked "Well if that's the case, I should enjoy this" I went to the first stall where I can buy stilettoes and wedge

"Omy Can I have this and this and this" I pointed at the good ones "and with my size please" I told her as she smiled and gathered each pair.

I went to clothes stores after I was done choosing good pair of high heels, I wasn't thinking about the prices at all which is not me since I contemplated in buying the lingerie I used at the auction earlier.

The sales lady guided me and also a guy which I assume is gay is following us and choosing the best one for me, "This one suits you honey because you are petite and small" he said that as he held his chin and talked like a fashion enthusiast, we went to fit one dress because he said that dressing up to a man with a good reputation is good, which is of course pertaining to Jungkook "Can I use my sneakers for this dress? I dont really feel like wearing heels since Paparazzis are outside..." I explained and just looked at me "Do as you please" he said casually.

After I was done, We went to pick up skin care products and make ups, brands that I only see on tv because I'm broke like hell, they also oriented what's best for my skin and what make up suits me "Finally" I smiled like an Idiot, I tried one of the lipsticks and laughed to realize that the ladies are actually looking at me, smiling.

"Mrs let's go to the salon for the final touch" one of the sales lady told me, "Oh no,no I am a Miss" I corrected her and she said sorry "Its okay" I told her as we proceeded.

They fixed my haircut, done my nails, and even massaged my face, they advised me for good skin care for my skin type, Once in my 20 years of existence, I felt like human.

Everything was done and walked like a model and went near Jungkook who was just sitting at one of the couch, reading a magazine "I thought you also want to buy the whole mall" he said with a sarcastic tone and looked at his wrist watch, he got up and fixed his suit before looking at me up and down "good enough" he commented.

I just smiled sweetly "Let's go" he said, "Wait, what's all this for? This isn't part of the deal" I told him

"Oh didn't I tell you?" I looked at him "Tell me what?" I questioned back

"You're living with me"

A/N: This chapter is quite short, I still hope you guys still enjoy it tho

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