Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Why the hell is it so hot?!" waking up in a daze, the sun is shining inside the room and I'm fully wrapped with the thick comforter, frustrated, I kicked the whole blanket away from me.

I sat up, fixing my hair, prying it away from my face, thinking about what will happen today "What to do?" I'm bored, "Maybe, count my hair?" I was used to go out every morning and jog around.

"Arghh" exclaming, I formed a starfish version of myself on the bed, my legs wide apart and my arms

I noticed that the part of the bed where Jungkook sleep, "Wow, he's neat" it was all fixed,even the blanket he used was properly placed

I look up at the ceiling, reminiscing what happened after the wedding, after our argument, we never spoke a word to each other, we passed each other in this big house like we dont know each other "its fine, he's not worth my attention"

"What are you doing?" I suddenly sat up out of shock because I'm in the middle of talking to myself and someone suddenly pops a question out of the blue

Now, is it possible to be startled while conscious about what's really happening? because looking at the sight right now, I can just have a heart attack on the spot, I think my heart just skipped a beat

It was Jungkook, standing there with the towel on his waist, drying his hair with another towel and he's wet all over

I gulped, waking up with dry throat and I think I gulped my voice box, I cant seem to say a thing "Uhm J-jungkook?" finally able to speak, he looked at me like I'm the weirdest person he ever lay his eyes on

"What?" asking me bluntly "O-oh N-nothing! Nothing!" waving my hands to decline "Tss" he just went inside the walk in closet, closing the door

I stared at the spot where he was last standing, Those abs not to mention his prominent V-line, "I think my ovary just melted" I can feel the butterflies on my stomach flattering, I never expected him to have those

"Wahhh!" Screaming, I was startled, again, I glared at Jungkook, he intentionally closed his closet door loudly "You're spacing out" he said "Its none of your business!" embarrased at being caught spacing out while having those fantasy thoughts about his body, it really is his business.

He was wearing a suit "I'd be out for a meeting somewhere, Its quite far, I'm going to be home late" he explained like he was obligated to do so

I looked at him with a questioning face "Real or not, I'm still your husband, in case you forgot" he read my expression and he was saying those words without emotions

"oh" facepalming "ok" I added, so we're acting out as husband and wife now huh? if that could bring my money and my life back then I'm in

"I'm going" he said, picking up his suitcase, he glanced at me but before he could step out, I stood up "Jungkook!" I ran to him and I slipped from the spot he was standing awhile ago "Ahhh!" I closed my eyes and hoping something would save me from the possibility of snapping my neck.

I was waiting but no impact came,I peeked out and saw Jungkook's face, he was so near that his breath had reached my face, he was holding me through my waist "sorry" standing up properly, I faced him with chin up, "Your tie isn't properly fixed" I told him, I did it with a good knot, I could tell that he was intensely looking at me because his breath just speed up "Done" I smiled at him and he just gave me a look that I cant understand and just stepped outside.

Now I'm back in this boring state, "Clean this room? sort my things out?" I want to do something but I'm too lazy to get up "but nothing's going to happen if I continue to be like this" I told myself

"Oh!" I shouted like I have a lightbulb on my head

I decided that I'm going to take a tour at this house since I never get to do so,  maybe I can find something I could work on

I've always wondered what does Jungkook's office looks like since I always see him working at the living room

I twisted the knob and suprisingly it's open "oooh classy" amazed, I went to the leather swivel chair and spun around, behind it is a curtain "Quite dark" so I opened the curtains

Looking at the whole room, It gave me the James Bond vibe

There was books, Volume thick books "Wow, does he read all of this?" Looks like Law Books, curious about its content, I tried reaching one at second to last part of the shelf "Why do I have to be so small?" complaining about my genes, suddenly someone reached it for me "Holy--" I turned around just to be face to face with Jimin.

He was so near "H-hey" he managed to reach it and the dust of the shelf started falling on my hair "here" he gave it to me "O-oh thanks, god, its heavy" trying to carry it and put it on the office desk "wooh!" I cheered myself, I once again looked at Jimin and he was smiling at me, he looked so entertained

I looked away

You see, Jimin is smaller than Jungkook but Jimin is taller than me which is of course, not suprising

He started walking towards me, so near that I had to move backwards, hitting the desk

"J-jimin" Startling, he placed some sort of folder on the desk, he chuckled, he was tripping me!

I took a heavy breath, Woo! that was close! then he messed up my hair, I reached for his hand since his actions are making me uncomfortable

He stopped for awhile and started laughing, so hard that his eyes are closed "Why are you looking at me like I'm going to kill you or something? Dont worry I was just dusting off the dirt on your hair" he then calmed down "done" he then tucked my hair on my ears "You're pretty" he said like it did not make me flattered and embarrassed, he was such a straightforward.

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