Picnic w/ kevin + patrick

5.6K 90 15

-you guys fought over it for a w e e k
-he really didn't want to go, and you guys almost broke up because of it
-but he finally gave in
-he forced eva to make him food, which he just threw away and bought take out from some fast food restaurant bc ya know, he hates his mom.
-just to make him happy you secretly brought his bow, and brought him to the archery range
-he was really excited on the inside bc 'OMg nEw ARroWs' but on the outside he smiled only a couple times
-I can see celia really wanting to go with you guys but kevin is a bitch and was like 'nO Get tHe fUcK awAy'

-tbh would probably bring booze
-and blunts, bc its Patrick
-you guys would probably end up making out as the sun started to set bc   it was like the perfect cliché movie moment so why not
-you guys probably bought something hella cheap
-like mcdonalds or smth
-we on a budget
-when you went home (his place) you guys invited sam and charlie over, just so you guys could get wasted
-him more than you, and sam and charlie ended up leaving sober bc they are responsible children and have shiz to do


Guys we hit 2k!! Wohoooooo ❤️
I love you all 💋


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