support !!

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Hey guys! Long time no see 😥
I've been pretty MIA for a while, and I'm super duper sorry, I start school in two days and I was trying to make the best of it.

But anyways, I came here to talk about a friend of mine, AndraLima701.

This is kind of like a shoutout I guess? (But she didn't ask for it)

I would really like all of you guys to go follow her, and maybe leave a note on her wall? She LOVES harry potter, just like me (and you guys probably bc a lot of ppl like credence)

She has a book out called 'Always' and its mainly harry potter based, and its awesome! So go check it out if you want an awesome quick read~

She also thinks that her writing is bad, but oMG IT ISNT HUN. I've been trying to tell her that her writing is amazing but, alas she never believes me. So this was my solution 😳

So please please please go leave her some love~

Thank you as always guys, love you~~~~


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