you're on your period | 😣

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-would be a very confused boii
-at first he thinks you're mad at him because you are a bit grumpy and stand off-ish
-then, out of nowhere you came up behind him and hugged him, letting out that guttural moan we all know, and do when we get hit with a painful cramp
-literally thinks you're dying
-he'd start crying (the poor bb)
-but once you started to feel better, you briefly explained it to him ((which resulted in him going to NEWT and asking hIM what periods were))
-which considering the circumstances, must've been the most awkward talk for them ever

-initially when he came home and heard you practically screaming, he also panicked (who wouldn't oml)
-he only had a tiny bit of knowledge of it (which is literally that girls get it)
-so ya know he picked you up and brought you to Bruce's lab, where the whole gang was, and asked her to help
-it was incredibly embarrassing considering you were rIGHT THERE THE WHOLE TIME
-Diana and Barry left to go get the essentials for you and you just sat there,
-with the other guys
-in total silence (lol)
-the wait was totally worth it though once you saw all the candy Barry had in his hands and the goofy lopsided smile on his beautiful face ;)

-Kevin would be kind of fascinated as he watched you deal with the cramps (let's say you can stomach them pretty well (hehe no pun intended))
-he knew what to do, and would basically steal all of Ava's stuff for you, so you could spend your money on food instead
-Ava was happy to give you all of this but Kevin wouldn't let her do anythinggg (bc he's so FriCKing ignorant)
-if you can't really handle cramps, he'd probably get very annoyed and make you deal with it yourself alone, or if you were in his presence, to shut up (om)

-would literally be an actual sWEETHEART
-whenever you are embarrassed to buy something, he would go out and confidently get it for you, he didn't mind the stares because he just wants you to feel better
-he would help in any way, shape or form possible 😩💕
-if there was a party or an event he really wanted to go to, and you ended up getting your period, he would stay home and take care of you, even if you insisted for him to go, he would stay

-a prepared boi
-knows everything, has everything and will do anything
-will get you as much taco bell as you want, anytime
-most importantly! The cuddles and the movie marathons uhggggggg
-(I would actually fucking pay to have someone like this)
-he would postpone shoots just so he could take care of you, basically acting like if he leaves you alone for more than an hour, that he'll never see you again. Which you don't complain about, but are still mad at him for not going to his shoots.

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