Getting her attention

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As soon as I hear her door creak shut, I creep out from behind the picture. I am careful and alert in this new environment, taking each step with care. I look in awe at everything around me. What to a normal sized person would look like an average room, looked like an entire city to me. From my judgement it seemed like I was on a dresser. I see a massive shirt, neatly folded on top of the dresser, which was probably what I was standing on earlier.
I walk a few feet to the edge of the dresser, looking down to the floor. My stomach dropped as I saw how high I was off the ground. Jumping from here would be a suicide mission.
I had a choice to make. I can either stay here, hide, and stave to death; jump down and likely die, even if I survived the jump there was no saying I wouldn't be squashed by Maya; Or.. I could try and get noticed by Maya. I didn't like this idea, but it had the most likely chance of my survival. Then a thought came across my mind. "What if Maya knows that I'm here? And she was the one who did this to me!" I tried to force the thoughts out of my mind of what she would do to me if she shrunk me on purpose.

Seconds later, Maya walks in with a large plate of food. Her large figure strides past me, moving a great distance while also remaining swift. I take a deep breath. I need to get her attention. I look around the dresser top for something that could help me make some noise. I spot a small box of matches. Perfect.

I make my way towards them, walking only inches but what felt like feet. It was very odd looking at this school desk size box of matches, an ordinary household item so large. She didn't have her earbuds in so I had a pretty good chance of getting her attention.
I start pushing on the box and with great effort on my part, it begins to slide. Using much of my strength, the box slides near the edge. All I need is another push and they will fall to the floor. With a bit of a running start I ram into the box, making it slip off the edge.
I hear a fairly loud crash as the matches slam into the floor. I felt it was loud, but I was hoping it was loud enough for Maya to hear it across the room.
Maya snaps her enormous head, switching her attention from her phone to the fallen box of matches, looking at them with both curiosity and fear.
I hold my breath as she sets her plate down, stands up, and slowly heads in my direction. My heart is pounding.

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