Chapter 4

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Reader's P.O.V

"Why is he coming over again?"
I asked, slightly eerie

"Cuz I need an explanation with this." Yoongi held his hand up, his cut was almost gone

"Why dont you believe me? I said I healed it"

"Ice doesnt heal anything"

"But frost can."

"Frost and Ice, same thing"


As if on cue, the door swung open

I squinted my eyes. I saw him again.

While the two wasnt looking, I flew to Jackson

"What are you doing here?" I immediatedly asked. He raised his eyebrows

Why is he slowly turning gray?

"Why do you need to know? Im guarding Namjoon. Isnt that obvious?"

"Oh.. so Namjoon is heart broken too, huh.."

He just hummed

"Jackson, why are you like this. You weren't like this before. Whats gotten into you? Are you getting sick?Why are you not re-"

He suddenly turned red and Namjoon dropped his book on his feet

I looked back and forth to Jackson and Namjoon

"Ask me stupid questions again."

He was getting darker.

"Y/n? Come here!" Yoongi called out

I looked over to Jackson and his head was down

I dont know what's gotten into him.. he used to be so happy all the time..

I went to Yoongi and Namjoon and the put that stupid big mirror on my face again


I kept looking over to Jackson and as I do so, Namjoon would get clumsy. He would either hurt himself or Yoongi

Jackson is causing this.

I know he is. But why?

"So Yoongi, you said before that absorption is her power" Namjoon poked my arm

"Hey!" I looked at him, slightly offended

What the heck
I hate it when anyone pokes me

"Yeah. That doesnt really do anything with the fact that SHE can heal my cuts and whatever"

"It does. It doesnt explain here-" He pointed to his book
"-but it has to do with her power. She absorbs heat or cold. When you get hurt, you get warmer, she takes that away, and it heals."

I didnt know thats how it worked. All I knew was I could do it.

"Theres no logic." Yoongi slammed his fist on the table, making me spring up


"Careful, hyung. Are you planning to kill her? Geez"

Right after Namjoon said that, he dropped the 'magnifying glass'

I looked over to Jackson.

Stop it

"Youre the one who's gonna kill her with your clumsy ass." Yoongi picked me up gently and placed me on his head

"Im sorry I troubled you, but you can leave now. Thanks for the help" He followed as he helped Joon to clean up

"No worries. I think Y/n is really cool. Its a shame shes wasted on you" Namjoon laughed and ran off with his stuff

"That brat"

"Are you... smiling??" I flew down to his face and his smile suddenly disappeared.

"No. Why the hell would I?"

I giggled at his response

How adorable...

Unknown's P.O.V

How stupid can she be? First mission and she already broke most of the rules

Rules of being a guardian,

Never let humans find you out

Dont interact with them while theyre aware

Report immediately if a person found you out

Humans and Fairies can NEVER be friends. Ever.

All of those, she broke.

If Neddie find out, she can be kicked out. For good. All that power, to waste.


How unfortunate....


Min Yoongi

"Yoongles~" She called out from the other side of the bathroom door

"I told you to never call me that! You punk"

I heard her tiny giggles

"If you dont hurry up, I'll pass out. Im hungry"

"Yeah Yeah. You tick. I'll get you food. Let me dress first"

"I'm telling Joon you called me a tick and youre starving me"

"YAH. LIAR. And what will that kid do? Drop books on me till I die?"

I opened the door and she immediately landed on my head

"Ewwww Its wet" she fell on my shoulder


I grabbed the honey and dipped the tip of the spoon

I opened my palm and she landed in it

"Here" I offered her the spoon

I heard her tiny gasp as she got closer to the spoon

"Thank you, old man"

"Ungrateful centipede"

I threw the spoon on the sink once she was done

"You know. Im surprised Im still alive" she said as I made my way to my computer and started to open it

"I totally forgot that youre in danger. I bet no one has found out yet." I whispered out as I squinted to make my vision clearer

"Dont jinx it. Now you got me scared"

I smirked

"I wont let them take you, Y/n."

I heard her snort

"Its not me you should be worried about. Its you. Dont let them take YOU, Yoongi"

"I can just step on them" I shrugged

"Eh... Not if youre wounded all over"

"Im not a baby. I can take care of my se- ouch"

I cut my pinky from the sharp side of the table

"You were saying?" She immediately approached the cut and did her thing

"How can I actually survive without you? Youre a curse to me" I whispered. Its true. Ever since she started to 'guard me' or what ever the hell, I couldnt do anything and I always end up cutting myself if shes not 'active'

"Once youre not.... heartbroken.. I can finally leave you and you can live a peaceful life without me..."

She flew up to the window

"Im gonna go get some fresh air..." Her voice was slightly choked and held back

She flew outside whilst I sat on my chair

What happened to her all of the sudden?

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