Chapter 16

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The wind slashed against Jisoo's, Jackson's and Taeyeon's wings as they traveled quickly back to Y/n.

Jackson kept mumbling to himself, hoping to get there in time.

Finally, theyve made it back. The three fairies saw the panic looks on the three humans surrounding Y/n.

Taeyeon went closer to Y/n's body. Seeing her in this state worried her.

The tiny cracks forming on her icy body made everyone gasp as they grew larger and larger

"Taeyeon. Do something!" Jisoo cried out, panicking

"The only way I can help her is... to break her wings off" Taeyeon gritted her teeth

"Are you insane?" Jackson's face fell "She can die!"

"Thats a risk we gotta have to take. Its either that or she explodes to icey smitherins"

"You know her chance of survival isnt that big. Its only 20%" Namjoon muttered his last sentence

"I'll help her through it. Its the only thing I can do." Taeyeon's eyes screamed sadness, knowing Y/n's life is at stake

Taeyeon fell silent, looking at the book beside Y/n
"You" She pointed at Namjoon


"Yeah. Have you read the very back page of that book?"

"Its...its blank."

Taeyeon looked back and forth from Y/n to the book

Each second wasted is closer to Y/n's death. She closed her eyes before dashing towards the book and opening it to the very back of the book

"You have ingridients?" She quickly said as her eyes glued to the page

"Y-yeah. I..-but for what?" Namjoon clumsily opened his box

"Just shut up and listen carefully" Everyone looked at Taeyeon and back to Namjoon

Yoongi gulped, nervous about the whole situation. Nervous isnt the word. Petrified. Hes petrified about everything.

"7 grinded petals of onyx. Acorn grind. A pinch of blue fairy dust. And 3 pinches of gold fairy dust" Taeyeon said as she dashed her way back to Y/n's side

"What?" Joy looked at Taeyeon, perplexed as Namjoon took out every ingredient mentioned

"Mix them all together."

"What is that gonna do?" Jackson said as he helped his human take out the ingridients

"Dont question me. Just do as I say if you want her alive."

Namjoon took out an empty bottle and started out his task as Taeyeon positioned herself near Y/n's wings

"Tell me when the mixture is ready"

Taeyeon gripped tightly onto Y/ns wings. The cold sensation burned her skin. She told herself to bear it until its time.

Yoongi closed his eyes and turned his head away, afraid of the failure that can happen

Jisoo saw Yoongi looking distressed and so, she approached him

"Dont worry about her.. She's strong" Jisoo said in hopes of keeping him calm

How can I not worry, when all I can do is nothing but just watch? Yoongi thought to himself.

"Its ready" Namjoon's voice startled everyone, especially Yoongi. He shot his eyes open and look directly into Y/n's body

Taeyeon bit the inside of her cheek

"You pour everything onto Y/n once I say so, alright?" Taeyeon said, tightening her grip even more

Everyone kept their eyes to the fairy.

Taeyeon noticed a big crack forming on Y/n's arm, making her shake a little.

With a heavy force, she pulled Y/n's wings off clean.


Namjoon's hands shook as he poured in the dusty mixture all over Y/n's still frozen body.

Taeyeon dropped the wing before holding her hands open, facing Y/n

A white-ish beam emmitted from Taeyeon's hand. She gritted her teeth as she focused her energy onto Y/n

"I cant hold it for too long. I dont have enough energy" Taeyeon panted out as her beam slowly thins out

Jisoo hesitated for a second. She sighed heavily, giving in.

She flew beside Taeyeon and placed her hand on her shoulder, trying to transfer some of her energy to Taeyeon

Jackson looked down on his hand before flying over to Taeyeon, following after Jisoo

Jackson prayed that this will work for the sake of his friend.

"..Its working.." Joy whispers

Yoongi shook a little as he witnessed Y/n transform right before his eyes. Her frozen body is slowly thawing.

After Y/n has completely thawed, the three fairies fell weak, falling to the bed

"Jisoo?" Joy scurried beside the three fairies, carefully scooping all three of them in her hand

"Namjoon. Check them. Now!" Joy started to panic and her eyes started to well up with tears

Namjoon took out his magnifying glass and placed it closely to the three.

Meanwhile, Yoongi couldnt take off his eyes off of Y/n. He noticed something.

Something.. coating her body once again

"They're fine. Theyre still breathing." Namjoon said to Joy, making her sigh out in relief

"Joon?" Yoongi called out as calm as he could

Namjoon turned his head, only to see Y/n's body slowly glowing with a blue glitter aura

It was getting brighter and brighter

"Do you know what's going on?" Yoongi started to get off the bed. He stood up, still not taking off his eyes off of Y/n

"N-no. The book never said anything about-"

Namjoon got cut off by the blinding light, coming from Y/n herself

They all covered their eyes as the light shined brighter.

A/n Notes

:0 I just wanna say thank you so much for 1k reads. It really means alot to me.

Thank you for taking the time to read each chapters. I hope you all have enjoyed them

Im sorry the chapters are taking so long to get published. Thank you for waiting.

Thank you for the reads and the votes and ofcourse your comments. I love reading your comments and seeing my readers interact.

I love you all and Thanks again!

-Lady Max

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