Chapter 6

873 40 7

Min Yoongi

I kept looking at Y/n wishing she would move or glow

"Thats all I can do right now" Namjoon pushed his glasses up to his nose bridge

"She lost so much blood.... This is worse than the first time we found her.." The distress of his face made me drop my shoulders

I looked at him, feeling the most defeated

I was blanking out. All I could think of is Y/n.

What happened to her? Why did she stop glowing? Is she going to die? What will happen to me now?

All thes questions are filling up my head, slowly feeling crazy

"You should rest, Yoongi-hyung. You look horrid" Namjoon placed his hand on my shoulder

I feel..lost

I couldnt say anything. Even if I tried saying 'I dont want to rest', nothing comes out

"Come on, hyung."

I pushed him away, causing him to flinch

"Hyung! You being like this wont help Y/n get better. The least we can do is wait"

Waiting sounded like hell. I dont want to wait. I want her to be better now.

But Joon somehow led me to my bed

He gently placed down Y/n on her tiny Kumamon cusion

He left without saying anything and I just sat on my bed, looking at my own feet

"Was it my fault..?"


3 days passed.

Shes still not giving me any signs of life

The house felt dull, just like before

I feel cold.. morethan usual

What do I do now?

I laid on my bed looking at her

I felt myself fade

Reader's P.O.V

I gaspes for air trying to breath

My head hurts and my body stings

I cant feel my arms

I groaned trying to open up my eyes

I fluttered them slowly, trying to move slowly

"If you move too much, some wounds might open, just lay down" I looked to ny side and saw Jackson sitting down, staring right at me

His grayish aura was a bit lighter than before

"J-jac-" I cut off myself as I felt a excruiciating pain on my abdomen

Jackson flew to me and placed his hand on my head

"Youre still not any better, but soon enough you'll be fine"
He whispered to me

"Where's Yoong-"

"He's asleep. He's been waiting for you to feel better. I've been taking care of Joon and Yoongi. Although, I dont think my strength can handle both of them, but I tried"

I reached out of his hand and lightly held it

"Thank you, Jackson. Im sorry I couldnt help.. How long have I been asleep"

He tightened the grip "3 days. And no problem. I was just trying to help out. I couldnt risk Yoongi to fall and die"

I felt slightly cold and I attempted to use the absorption
"Dont." Jackson looked at me with intense eyes

"You will die if you push yourself. So stop. Yoongi will survive with blankets."

I hissed, feeling annoyed with myself

Im so useless...

"What exactly happened to you, Y/n?" Jackson pushed his hair back

"Neddie's army happened... Since they found out about Yoongi and Namjoon... They wouldnt let it slide."

"How did they..."

"I dont know how they found out Jackson.. but somehow.. for some reason.. They did. And I have to be more careful. Yoongi is in danger.."

"And so are you. Why do you only care about Yoongi!?"

"Yoongi is my first human to take care of. Do you know how much failure the guardian fairies done? Willows do better than us and they just push humans to be pricks and murderers"

He sighed and patted my head
"Im glad you were here to help, Jackson. You dont know how much I appreciate it.."

"It was the least I can do. I've been.. horrible to you and Namjoon"

He weakly smiled, and I returned it

"Once Yoongi wakes up, I know he will be happy. I unfortunately have to go and take care of clumsy Joon"

I just hummed before tightening my grip more

"Thank you again..."

He smiled wider and flew off, leaving me to look up to the ceiling

I groaned, feeling stinging around my legs

I heard slight movement to my right

"Yoongi?" I whispered out and smiled to myself





I kept calling out to him but no response

I guess he's still asleep

I zoned out while looking at the ceiling, wishing for Yoongi to wake up...

Cuz Im hungry

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