Chapter 7

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Reader's P.O.V

After years of waiting.. not really. Just hours

He finally woke the hell up

He groaned as he got up and ruffled his hair

"Your stupid face finally got up. If I waited for another hour, I wouldve fully died" I said, yelling so he can hear me

"What-" He got up and looked at me and just froze

I snickered and his eyes widened

"Surprise, hoe. Your guardian is still well and alive."

"Y/N!!" He gently reached out for me and smiled

Well, thats the first in a long time.

"Hurry your ass up to the kitchen and feed me. Do you know how much I've suffered!? I legit almost died of hunger"

I looked up to him and some tears dropped on his face

I felt my shoulders sting as it dropped

"I was so worried. Do you have any idea how much I thought you were dead?"

I felt the room get colder as he sulked right infront of me

"Stop crying. Im fine now. Geez. I didnt know you cared"

"Ofcourse I do! Do you think I would be staying up all night for the past 3 days if I didnt? I didnt leave this room unless I had to. I was so worried to get hurt. I knew how much you hated me getting a scratch and did you know how useless I felt when I couldnt even help you to feel better faster? I felt so lonely without you nagging me. I felt horrible that I treated you like shit before and I-" he stopped himself and I just tilted my head

"You shouldnt worry about me. And staying up!? How much do I have to tell you to TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!? Im fine, Yoongi. I told you, you never have to worry about me."

"I cant help it...." he whispered as he looked down the ground

"You have to help it. You know, I wont be here forever, right? Remember, Im only here until you find someone."

He stayed quiet and the atmosphere around us felt uneasy and awkward

"Are you not gonna feed me?"

He sighed and smiled weakly "Lets go"


the next day, afternoon

Jackson told me to hang out with him while Namjoon and Yoongi was in class

As we sat on the leaf, Jackson poked my cheek

"Youve grown fat, I think youre eating too much honey" He laughed

I sent him a glare "Atleast I dont look like.. that" I pointed at a twig

"Youre lucky youre still injured, or else-"

I smirked at him "Or else, what? Pfft. Finish your sentence"

He just laughed at me.. His grayish color has almost completely disappeared

We both looked at the distance and sighed as if we were in relief

"Can I tell you something?" Jackson muttered, making me nod and hum

"I know youre wondering why I was.. grayish before.. and you know.. a prick.."

I just looked at him with furrowed brows

"It was probably I was jealous of you. When Namjoon was paying attention to you, I keep asking why I cant be noticed too. But I didnt want to break rules. I just... I was mad because no one cared about me...thats why.. I turned gray.. I was so afraid to turn to a willow that I... wanted change.." He looked at me and his eyes showed his guilt

I reached out for his hand
"You should be proud of yourself that you didnt hurt yourself like I did. And I care about you, we've always been so close... Im so happy that we're close again"

He pursed his lips "Me too.. I always felt bad I treated you badly.."

I shook my head and disagreed

"I understand. But Im glad the Jackson I knew is back."

It grew silent for a minute, but this silence felt comforting

It felt like the first time Jackson and I met.. he was the first person to be nice to me

Being the newbie was too difficult

Right at this moment, I feel comfort

"We should go back to the humans. It would be a disaster if Namjoon fell on his dick again"

I looked at him with disbelief

"Dont ask" He snorted

He held my hand and we both flew together in the classroom

We were right on time, the class just finished

We both followed our humans as we parted ways, I saw a girl with Yoongi

Just before the girl went into the room, she hugged him

Once Yoongi and I were back in his room "Who was that?" I asked as Yoongi practically jumped on the couch and hugged his knee as he smiled to himself

This dork.

"That was Joy.." He sighed

"I dont like her" I said our loud as I flew right on his face

His eyes reflected me

"Why?" His brows furrowed, his eyes filled with offense

"She has an aura to her that I doubt. She can be bad for you"

"How can you know? Do you even know her?"

"And do you? Yoongi, I dont trust her. She can harm y-"

"Why do need to tell me what to feel? I thought youre only here to heal me when I get hurt"

"Im also a GUARDIAN. I guide you on what to do so you dont break your heart further!" I felt myself heat up and I looked at my clenched fist

"You cant tell me what to feel! For once, someone actually likes me. This could be my only way of finding someone special and finding happiness but YOURE TELLING ME NOT TO GO FOR IT!" He sprung up of the couch

"And you said youre here to help me? What bullshit are you pulling? Helping? What help?"


"She made me happy. She made me feel like I had worth. How can you say she's dangerous to me? Huh? Forget it. Youre selfish. I shouldve known that I wouldnt find happiness trusting you."

And with that, he left me and slammed his door


Im sorry for slow updates :0

I've just been caught up with school and since the school year is almost going to end, I gotta focus to pass my finals

I decided to update once a week and if Im lucky enough, twice a week

:0 Thank you for understanding


GF | Yoongi X Reader (Discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz