Chapter 14

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Namjoon held out his hand, hoping Yoongi would place you gently on his palm

"You think.. you can help-" Yoongi averted his eyes from Namjoon only to land to Joy

He furrowed his brows. Betrayal, guilt and anger he felt

Oh how angry he was. Angry at Joy and her tricks


Joy flinched at Yoongi when he pointed his finger at her

Pure disgust was imprinted on his face. He felt so distasteful to even think of her.

"How could you?" Yoongi felt his heart race with anger. He felt used.

"Yoongi. Calm down, ok? Please. We can still save Y/n" Namjoon stood infront of the angry man's vision

Yoongi's face softened at the mentioning of your name
He held in his breath as he carefully placed you on Namjoon's palm

Namjoon kneeled down on the bed and Joy placed the box on Yoongi's bed

Yoongi gave Joy his coldest stare, holding in his anger.

Joy opened her mouth but the words wouldnt come out. She's scared but she has to explain

"I... I didnt know I was used too.." She muttered as she kept avoiding his eyes

Namjoon held a magnifying glass near you, observing whether the ice was thin enough to help you get out of there.

Namjoon slightly shook his head, thinking of a way how to save you- rather return you to your old state

Jackson sat on Namjoon's shoulder

"We should probably get Taeyeon" Jackson suggested to Namjoon while looking at Jisoo who was shaking her head "no"

"Whos Taeyeon?" Namjoon asked without turning his eyes from the book he had with him

"Shes... shes the ones who turn broken hearted humans to guardian fairies" Jisoo rolled her eyes "Taeyeon dont just turn any broken hearted humans. She turns them into prodigies. Her little experiments."

Namjoon froze for a second before looking beside him, only to see Jisoo
"Thats why Y/n was one of the more powerful fairies. Cuz shes an experiment."

"Y/n was a human?" Joy furrowed her brows, conflicted.

"Yep. Thats why.. shes.. like this. Irrational. Emotional. And empathetic" Jisoo answered Joy with no interest her voice
"Thats why she.. understands me.." Yoongi whispered to himself, guilt taking over him again

"Thats why I... tried to ruin her"

Yoongi looked at the fairy who's spewing nonsense, atleast to him they were nonsense

Yoongi thought highly of you, though he never showed it to you.

"I was the best fairy until this.. failed of an experiment came along"

"Dont. Speak about Y/n like that." The firmness of Yoongi's voice made everyone flinch

"Shes ungreatful and just disappointing. Taeyeon was so wrong about h-"

"Thats enough, Jisoo. Thats enough" Jackson spoke up as he struggled to carry up the 2 torn pages up to Namjoon

"Y/n wanted to end her heartbreak. But we know she didnt mean like this. She didnt mean to become a fairy, Jisoo" Jackson continued as Namjoon took the pages from him and started to read

The messy haired Yoongi closed his eyes, trying to keep in his temper and yet the guilt still shown on his face

He felt guilty that he never listened when theres a tiny voice in his head that was saying listen to her. Listen to Y/n

"I can make something that will hinder the quick pace of the ice spread" Namjoon placed you gently on the bed and quickly taking out glass and liquids from his tiny box

"You need to find that Taeyeon" Namjoon mumbles as he tries and focuses on opening the tiny bottles

"We cant" Jisoo said, making Namjoon turn his head to her once again
"We have to speak to Changbin first"

"In who the he- Who are these fairies??" Namjoon's voice raising with the question

"The king of guardian fairies?"

Namjoon looked at them slightly pissed

"We need his permission to take Taeyeon here and reverse her experiment"

Jackson pursed his lips "He isnt easy to convince.. but.. with Jisoo, he is"

"Me? Why me?" Jisoo crossed her arms

"Youre the leader of the royal army, arent you?"

"Right..." Jisoo sighed before flying out of the room's window

Jackson looked back at Namjoon "Dont let her freeze completely before we get back" Jackson's expression fell before following Jisoo

Yoongi gently grabbed one of the torn pages as the room falls quieter

Phase 3:
After the fairy's willow stage, the shutdown happens. Once the willow uses up all its energy, whether it get sadder or angry, the shutdown occurs.

In the shut down, the fairy will slowly feel burning sensation and lack of oxygen. Slowly, ice will form around their bodies, putting them into a "coma"

The ice will spread fast, coating the body thinly. Then it slowly gets thicker and thicker.

The ice fractals will build until it can no longer built itself thickly causing it to shatter like glass, including its fairy inside.

Yoongi gasped at what he read

"I know. Dont panic" Namjoon said, mixing something in a bottle

Joy sat beside Namjoon, looking to the ground, pursing her lips

"Panicking wont get you anywhere and Y/n better. I know youre scared but we'll save her.." Namjoon poured his mixture on a spray bottle

"What are you doing with that?"  Joy asked before Namjoon sprayed your ice-fractal-coated body

Namjoon pointed at the open book

"Youre using a potion for fairies?"

Namjoon nodded he put the cap on the spray bottle

"That will slower it's spreading by 40%. Now all we can do it wait"

Yoongi messed up his hair, frustrated with his vulnerability. He felt useless and weak that he couldnt help you at all

"You just.. have to.. believe she'll be alright" Joy muttered

"Easy for you to say, Joy. Im the one whos losing a guardian fairy.. not you" He closed her eyes as he raised his blanket up to his shoulders

You just laid frozen, still contricted in the ice thats forming tiny cracks on the surface..

Slowly about to shatter

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