Chapter 18

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Reader's P.O.V

Week later..

I have been staying at Yoongi's place and I've found everything sort of.. uncomfortable.

I had to eat human food to nourish myself. Yoongi and Joy kept telling me "Fruits are never enough. You'll go hungry".

Ive been wearing some of Yoongi's clothes which is super comfy but Joy kept on attempting to get me out of the house to go "shopping".

I really dont remember what shopping was but she said it's fun..

I'm going out today with Namjoon, Joy and Yoongi. Yoongi doesn't look like he wants to go at all. He's sleeping right beside me and everytime I asked him to wake up, he just turns his back at me..

Suddenly, Yoongi's phone started to ring. I looked at who's calling and it was Joy.. Im contemplating whether to answer it or not..

I pressed the green button and the 'loud speaker' button "Hello?" I said, with a slight shaking voice

"Is Yoongi up?" Her voice slightly gurgled.

"No.. he wouldnt get up.."

"Open your door."

"Oh. Ok"

Not thinking about it, I got up from the bed and made my way to the front door. I opened it and Joy suddenly zoomed into the house. Namjoon looked at me with a slight worry. All of the sudden, I heard yelling.


My eyes widened and Namjoon jogged pass me, going into the bedroom. I followed behind him and saw Joy pulling Yoongi by the foot. Yoongi held onto the side of the bed.


"I WILL! LET GO OF ME!!" Yoongi looked horrified. Namjoon started to pull on Joy's shoulder as I felt something on my head...rather, someone..

I held up my hand, waiting for someone to land on it. Not a second passes, Jackson landed on my hand. I brought my hand closer to my face. I saw Jackson's face with disappointment on his face. "These 3..." he said as Jisoo flew beside him.

"This has been happening for the last 3 days, arent you tired of this Y/N?" Jisoo asked, making me wonder

"Hm.. No.. Not really. It's funny" I said and giggled "Oh by the way, where is Taeyeon?"

"She went back to the village this morning. She needs a better resting place and better healing fruits." Jackson said, looking back at the chaos in front of us

"I hope she's doing well though.. Are you guys gonna go back?"

"No. I mean.. maybe? Things are going well for Namjoon here.. He's slowly warming up to Joy, so thats kinda good"

"You dont sound sure, Jackson"

"Well, Namjoon isnt showing that trust he has for Joy.. which kinda shifts Joy's emotions a little" Jisoo said, making me nod

"I understand what you mean.. but how-" I got cut off by a loud thud

I looked over to see Yoongi on the floor, panting and Joy standing triumphantly.

Namjoon sighed as he walked towards me. "I couldnt stop it. Im sorry"

I looked over again to see a mess. Blankets and pillows were on the floor.

Yoongi started to get up slowly. "Crazy ass. I said I was gonna get up"

"I guess history does repeat itself" I muttered, making Jackson laugh as he flew off my hand.


We all got off the bus, Jackson and Jisoo hiding themselves behind my hair. All of us walked in the mall, making me hide behind Yoongi. I guess it's instinct.

"You know, you dont have to hide" He said looking at me as he held up his hand. I took it and held it gently.

"We'll leave you two alone" I heard a tiny voice on my left ear then Jackson and Jisoo flew off to their humans.

Yoongi held my hand the whole way to the clothes shop. After we got there, Joy dragged me away from Yoongi and started to grab clothes, throwing them at me. I looked back at Yoongi and he shrugged before he sat on a waiting bench with Namjoon.


After minutes that felt like hours of picking several clothing, Joy pushed me into a room. "Try this on first"

I got out of the room, tugging onto the hem of the dress

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I got out of the room, tugging onto the hem of the dress. "Does it fit you?" Joy said, gesturing Yoongi to come over.

I just nodded as an answer as Yoongi came over. "You um.. You look good.." He said as I looked infront of the mirror

"You think? I mean.. it's breezy" I furrowed my eyebrows looking directly at our reflection

"I dont remember being this short" I pouted, tilting my head slightly

Yoongi wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him

"Im just glad someone is finally shorter than I am" He smirked at me, making me feel heat on my cheeks.

I pushed him away, running back into the room. "Is-Is there anything else I need to try on??" I squeaked out.

"Yep. Theres alot more" I heard Joy said and not that long, another dress flew through the space above the door. I just sighed as I tried to cool myself down.


The whole day was just trying on clothes, which made me feel a little tired. I didn't realize how much outfit we bought until we checked out.

"That'll be 700,000 won" The cashier said as Joy pulled her wallet out

"Consider this as a gift." She said, giving a card to the cashier lady

"T-thank you" I said, not knowing how to feel.

"I'll buy us dinner then" Yoongi suggested, making everyone nod

"Sounds good to me" Joy shrugged, receiving her card back.

Everyone started to grab 4 bags each and we walked out of the store


We all made our way to the food court, still stopping at some shops because of Joy.

Namjoon had to drag her away from them.

"Im not an expert at these but, isnt Namjoon and Joy a little too..." He looks infront of him, staring at the two

"Too perfect for eachother?" I finished his sentence

"Yeah. They get along really well and I've been Namjoon's bestfriend for years... Joy is the only thing that got through to him like this"

"I mean.. They do get along really we-" I got cut off by bumping onto something

Rather, someone.

"Oh my. I am so SO sorry!" I apologized, bowing twice, picking up the bags I dropped

"No. It's ok! I'm the one who-" They cut themselves off as they gave me the bags

"Y/n?" He said, making direct eye contact with me.

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