Chapter 13

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Reader's P.O.V

"Jackson...." I mumbled to myself before I zoomed out of the bathroom

Anger bubbled up inside of me as if its the last emotion I feel

I got into Yoongi's room only to see that monster with a smirk on her face

"Well, if it isnt Miss Rebel" Jisoo said, emphasizing her petty name for me

I saw Jackson, struggling to escape her stupid, stupid vine

His body wrapped around, unable to escape. His mouth was blocked with vines

I looked down to see Yoongi moving from side to side.. he was panting... Hes out of breath

I need to do something quickly before I really lose Yoongi...

"Let him go, Jisoo. Youre hurting Jackson" I looked right at her.
She raised her eyebrow at me and scoffed

"What will a powerless willow fairy do to make me stop?" She smiled proudly, knowing I cant do anything

My nails dug into my palm as I held it tightly in a fist

"You know you'll turn into a willow just like me if you continue this. Youll lose your powers just like I did-" I paused myself as I saw her face wince at my words
"Youll lose your reputation, your position as a guardian fairy. Youll lose everything"

Slowly the vines around Jackson loosened up

"Y/n. Stop. Look!" Jackson yelled out as he flew to me.

"Jisoo. You cant kill Yoongi." I said firmly, brushing off whatever Jackson said to me

"If you kill Yoongi, guilt will eat you up." I pointed at her feet

Grey... Just like mine

"Its already starting.. You can still save yourself.." I didnt feel anymore anger.. I felt cold and a burning sensation on my skin started to form

"Let some oxygen in, Jisoo. You can still save Yoo-"

"Why do you want to save this human so bad!? Its not like you are one!"

I sighed heavily. Breathing is slowly getting harder by the second

"I care for him. What kind of guardian fairy am I if I let a human die?.. isnt humans our priority?"

I felt drained.. my body feels heavy and it feels numb

Jackson kept calling for me but I couldnt respond

He grabbed me by the shoulders and started to gently rock me backwars and forwards

"Keep it together. You cant shut down right now"

I can barely open my eyes

"Please.. Jisoo.." I looked underneathe us.. Yoongi is still breathing "You can still save him.."

Jisoo clenched her jaw before she snapped her fingers

A sudden burst of air came from Yoongi's window

I felt my body descend slowly and my eyes flutter close

I landed on something soft before everything darkens..

3rd Person

Jackson and Jisoo landed right beside Y/n's frozen body

Her body covered in ice fractals.

She has shut down. The ice started to thicken up quickly

"W-whats going on with her?" Jisoo started to panic. Y/n was right. Guilt is slowly taking over her

"I thought you knew what's going on.." Jackson looked at Jisoo with furrowed brows and she just shook her head

"I may have took the pages of that stupid book but I never read it"


"Its under Yoongi's bed. I placed it there. I didnt read it but I knew it was important so I had to hide it"

Jackson flew underneath the bed and there were 2 ripped pages

Jisoo followed him.

"Willows dont become rogue.. Guardian fairies do. Explains alot" Jackson looked at Jisoo and he rolled his eyes "Fairies turn to willows when extremely saddened. Once it occurs, their sadness blocks their abilities, hence the inability usage of abilities"

Jisoo started to get scared, when Y/n pointed out her grayness, she feared she'd lose her reason to live

"It says here that when a willow is angered, they dont turn rogue."

"So... that was made up.." Jisoo muttered and Jackson just hummed

"When willows use up their very last energy however, the last phase starts to happen"

"...the shut down"


Suddenly, Jackson's and Jisoo's world started to rumble.

Yoongi groaned as he sat up

"Whats going on?" Jackson whispered to Jisoo and she shrugged

"I just reversed my curses. I guess its working now"

Jackson flew out and peeked at Yoongi

Yoongi picked up the frozen figure of Y/n with gentle hands

He sighed as he rubbed his sleepiness off his eyes "Y/n..." Yoongi called out

The frozen fairy laid curled up on his palm

Jackson and Jisoo skillfully got out of his apartment "We have to find Namjoon and Joy"

"They'll kill me, Jackson. They were hunting me down."

"If you help us bring Y/n back. I'll make sure they dont hurt you"

Jisoo looked at Jackson, contemplating whether she should trust him or not

She sighed "Fine. I trust you."

They both zoomed to look for th two humans


Yoongi's eyes stinged as he felt tears threaten to come

"I shouldve listened to you.." Yoongi's heart tightened at the sight of Y/n on his palm

She was curled up to a ball as the ice coated her body

"I was so wrong to push you away... I shouldnt have.... I shouldnt have"

Yoongi couldnt fight his guilt and the pain in his chest anymore

And so he cried..

He weeped. "Please say something"

He has never seen Y/n like this.. she looks weak, hurt and cold

"Id listen to you. Just come back to me.. I need you"

Yoongi didnt know his life would be a mess without Y/n

He realized it before but he pushed it away.

His wounds around his body was a sign, rather a message that indicates that he truly need Y/n

She took care of him but all he ever did was show her ungratefulness

Yoongi knew.. crying will not help

What can he do now?
Because he never took the chance to properly care and learn about Y/n

But as they all say, every darkness has a little light in it.

Just then, Namjoon and Joy came running in.

"I think I know how to help her."

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