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As soon as I stepped into the building everybody turned to me. One of my assistants came and asked to help me. I gave her the stroller with Hope, Chim, and Yoongles. She strolled them into my office and left closing the door behind her. As soon as she left I went and begin to work. The boys were still asleep on the large couch when my boyfriend walked in.

"Aku tell me the rumors aren't true!" I didn't look up when she came in the room, "What are you talking about?" He said nothing until I heard his shoes as he walked then Hobi crying. I turned around to see him holding Hobi by his foot. "The fuck are you doing?!" I took Hobi from him. "Have you lost your mind?" He said nothing so I put Hobi back down and took him outside of the office. Once there I was slammed into a wall.

My head hurt as soon as it hit the wall. "Aku, whose kids are they?" I thought for a moment then answered, "Mine." After a minute of looking at each other, I walked back to my office, Or should I say tried. Kyle grabbed my arm and told me that we were over. I laughed, "Ok then bye bye." I got to the office only to break down. I cried a little and it made the kids wake up. I walked over to them and smiled with tears in my eyes.

"I love you, my babies, you know that right?" They just all giggled and grabbed my hands and hair.

~19 years later~

"JMIN GIVE KOOK BACK HIS STUFFED BUNNY!" I rubbed my temples at my kids. I only have three that listen and aren't normally bad. Kook came down smiling while Jimin was pouting. Rolling my eyes I got up and gave Jimin a kiss on his forehead. "Jimin you will have the bunny later ok, you need to go to school." Everybody sighed when I told them indirectly that they have to go to school.

"Guys it isn't even that bad." They said nothing and I rolled my eyes. We all got in the car and drove them to school as soon as they were out I went to work. I walked into the building and got straight to work. I signed paper after paper for hours when the phone rang. I ignored it the first two times and answered it on the third call.

"Hello?" I was very irritated because nobody said anything and was about to hang up when I heard my ex-boyfriends voice. "Aku, I've done something bad." I sighed rubbing my eyes. "What did you do?" I immediately cringed when I heard a scream and bones breaking. The phone was then passed to a different person. "Hello, Aku is it?" I said yes and the man laughed. "Do you have his money?" I was cursing Kyle to the depths of hell.

"How much was it?" The man said a thousand. Cursing my kindness, "Where and when do you want it delivered?" The said today in Duryu Park at 5. I quickly agreed and hung up the phone. Checking the time I called my assistant to take the money to Duryu Park. Which they quickly left to go and do. I then went back to work. When I got another phone call.

"Hello, are you the mother of Jimin, Hoseok, Namjoon, Seokjin, Taehyung, Yoongi, and Jungkook?" (If you have 7 kids, I pray for you.)

"Yes, I am."

"Your sons have gotten into a fight and are currently suspended, you will need to come and pick them up."

"I will be right over, goodbye."

I grabbed my car eyes and walked to the car, got in and drove to the schoolhouse. Once I got there I got out and went straight to the Office where my seven ruble makers where. The principal tried to talk to me but I wasn't having that today. "Can you just give me the papers to sign I have to get back to work." It was a lie but my head was hurting and I wanted to lay down.

The principle seemed surprised but gave me the paper which I signed and walked out of the building with them following close behind me.

Inside the car, it was silent until we got home. They all tried to run up the stairs into their own rooms away from me. "BRING YOURSELVES INTO THE LIVINGROOM." They all came into the room and sat down far away from me. I sighed seeing that they weren't going to talk. "Joon why did you guys get into a fight today?" Everybody looked at him like he was about to kill the world. "Some kids at school were calling you and kookie names."

If I wasn't trying to act like a responsible parent I would have laughed. "Ok, you can leave now Joon." He left while the others were even more uncomfortable. "Yoongi what names did they say?"

"They called you a hoe, and kook a bitch." I nod, "you are free, Jin who threw the first hit?"

"The boys did." I nod again," Ok Hobi did you guys hurt them badly?"

It was silent until he just nodded. "Ok bye bye Hobi." All that was left was my little children. I got up and gave them a hug letting them cry. They cried for an hour and then slowly stopped, "Momma I don't want to go to school anymore." Kook my little angel said with tears in his eyes. "You don't have to baby." He smiled and went to go play with the rest of the kids. I slowly closed my eyes today has been a long day, a nap wouldn't hurt.

I wake up when I hear somebody knocking on the door. I open it to see Kyle standing there. I look behind me and close the door with me on the outside with Kyle. "Why are you here?"

"I came to thank you." Lier, you just want money.

"Kyle please leave and stop asking me to bail you out of your problems."

I hear footsteps and turn to see a blonde haired girl stand beside Kyle. The girl looked me up and down like I was about to steal Kyle from her. Ha, I've been trying to get him out of my life for years.

"Ok bye Aku."

I nod and walk back to my house to see the boys were about to start cooking. "Boys you know only Jin and I are allowed to cook." They smiled and left the room leaving me and Jin to cook. While I was cutting up some carrots I began to talk to Jin. "So Jin would you be ok with not having to go to school anymore?" Jin nodded and went back to cooking. But seemed to stop when his head began to hurt. I looked over to Jin to see him trying not to make a sound, "Jin?" I put down my knife and walked over to in and say that his teeth began to grow longer and he growled at me. I back up to see my oldest child turn into a wolf.

How in the actual fuck, he isn't even my blood child.
Explanation time: Aku is a werewolf-vampire hybrid. Aku didn't physical have Bts so how are they hybrids and stuff? Eh, experiments when they were babies. That being the reason they were left out in the alleyway, they have some problems when transforming. 
I walked over to him and he growled. "Jin will you stop doing that your gonna make the boys come down here." Jin didn't seem to care and was about to bark. I put my hand over his mouth but he already caused Yoongi and Namjoon to come down. When they did their teeth was very long. "God, you must love to fuck with me or some shit." I looked over at Yoongi and Namjoon who looked a little to close to Jin. "Namjoon and Yoongi I swear if you bite your brother I will kill you." They walked away from Jin well Yoongi did, Joon walked closer to him and I jumped off of Jin. Namjoon was getting closer to Jin while Jin was in some sort of trance. Once they reached and touched they passed out.

I'm just sitting there wondering what type of fuck is this. Yoongi has already begun to walk away. "Yoongles come here." Yoongi saw me and walked back over to me. "When did you start having vampire things?" Yoongi just shrugged and tried to walk away. "Yoongi if you don't tell me you will watch the youngest for a month." That is basically torture for they are all very active and loud. 

"I don't know it just happened when I smelt lavender and rainforest." Those two smells are not good to be smelling at once. "Hmm ok, but you don't have school anymore." Yoongi nodded and went back the stairs. Once he was gone I looked over to Jin and Joon whom where both still passed out on the floor. Rolling my eyes I leave them there and turned back to the food that was about to burn. (The stage)

I saved it when two minutes and put plates of Garlic shrimp onto the table. Once finished I splash water of Jin and Joon. Who bit jumped up and acted as if they didn't know what happened. Shrugging it off I went upstairs to Kook's room. I opened the door and saw him playing with cars. "Kookie foods ready." He nods and put his things away. Walking to Jimin room Him and Hobi arguing over something, "Foods ready." They stopped arguing long enough to nod and then I left. The last room was Yoongi's I opened the door and he was writing down something. "Yoon foods did." He nodded and put his things away. I walked downstairs and we all ate together with little to no problems. 

Once done I cleared the table and went to bed got into my room and has decided that today has been an eventful and long ass day. 


Done with this long chapter that has a major time gap and better explanation will be in the next part. But anyway hope you enjoyed. 

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