First day to school!

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I wake up to my phone screeching to get up. I grab it and try to unlock it to turn it off but missed and droped it. I laid in bed for a minute or two silently cursing myself before getting up and grabbing the phone and cutting off the alarm. I grabbed my glasses from the nightstand put them on and walked into the kitchen, with my phone in hand to start breakfast. 

While everything was cooking I took a quick shower and threw on clothes and grabbed my hat to wear because I was not feeling doing my hair today sis. I checked the time and the food still needed about fifteen minutes to cook until it was ready so I walked to everyones room to wake them up and get them started out on the day. 

I went into Yoongi and Hoseok's room first I knocked on the door waited for a minute then opened the door I opened the binds to let in the natural light. I gently shook Yoongi awake and told him to start getting ready for school He kinda sorta nodded to show that he understood what was going on so I moved to the next sleepy head. For some reason Hoseok was being very difficult today so I stopped playing nice with the gentle shaking and riped the covers from off of his body which made him wake up, "Get ready for school Sunshine!" Hoseok nodded so I left the room and moved to Jin and Namjoon's room. 

Waking up Hoseok took a lot of energy out of me so I just opened the door let in the sun light in to witch they both pulled the covers over their heads and groaned letting me know that they are awake, "You both better be up  by the time breakfast is done or your ass will be grass."  I left the room and stopped at Tae, Jimin and Kook's room. I opened the door but this time I turned on the lights and made my way to pull the curtains apart letting in all the light possible witch only woke Jimin up witch is perfectly ok seeing as how I get to dress them one by one anyway.  Jimin was finished I walked downstairs to turn the stove off so nothing would burn and Yoongi was already downstairs so I handed Jimin off to him as I went back up to dress Tae and Kook. 

Next was Tae who didn't give me to much trouble but then next was Kook who never failed to be a handful it was like once you got him up he just wants to run play and ask questions. By some form of miracle I got Kook dressed and just in time to everyone was downstairs dressed at sitting at the table I placed Kook down on the couch and got to work making everyones plates. Once they started to eat I waited for a minute for anyone to start talking but it seemed that they were still mostly brain dead so I let it all continue on in silence. But it wasn't an awkward silence though.

Once we were done eating It was time to go. The first ones to be dropped off was Joon, Hobi, Yoongi, and Jin. I parked and everyone got out of the car I grabbed Kook's and Tae's hand and told Jimin to stay close by. Meanwhile, everyone with the exception of Yoongi was buzzing with happiness. We walked to the front desk and surprisingly we were early? I looked down at the clock on the nearby wall it was 8:20. I inwardly groaned I'm early like way early. The lady looked surprised as well. I smiled at the lady, " Hi, I'm Kaisu and would you happen to have the schedules for Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Seokjin Lee?"

The lady seemed to have gotten over her shock and nodded, " I do, please wait for just a minute while I fetch them." Once she left I was immediately bombarded by many questions all around. I sighed and attempted to answer all the questions that I heard. "Ok, Firstly yes you will all be separated, but you all share first class together now after that I don't know. Secondly, The reason is so that you will have a class with people your grade and age, and no I can't control that. Yes, you will share lunch time together, at least I think so. No Jimin, you Kook and Tae will be together all day. I dunno you'll just have to try it out and see right? Yes, I will be here to pick you both up. No candy will be given out at lunch, I don't even do that. Look, there is the lady with your schedules." They quieted down a little bit and I escaped from their questioning.

I took the paper's from the lady and handed them to them only for Namjoon and Hoseok to start sulking a little bit. Whereas Jin and Yoongi seemed ok with what was written down on the paper. I looked over their schedules and smiled, they all shared at least one class together. Now that they had their schedules it was time to officially get to class. I walked them down to homeroom and waited for them to walk in. I turned around and was about to walk out with the rest of them back to the car, but got stopped mid-step by Zico calling me.

I turned, "hmm?" He looked at me for a good minute, "You arents gonna tell them bye?" I mentally facepalmed.

I made my way into the room and gasps where made but I simply ignore them and gave Joon, Hobi, Jin, and Yoongi a hug and a goodbye, I also said one to Zico as well. Then me, Jimin, Kook, and Tae hightailed it out of there and into the car. Once inside I strapped everyone down and started to drive to the daycare......but somehow got stuck in a traffic jam. I began to get agitated while waiting for the people to act like they had some type of brains and drive. Once I got to the Building I was already running five minutes late. Once we go inside people was still dropping off their kids and sighed in relief and Bobby came out of nowhere scaring the soul out of me.

"Was starting to get worried that got caught up in the traffic." I turned, "Yeah I did that's why I'm running late." Bobby and I made small talk for a little bit before I remembered that I need to get to work, "I would love to stay and speak but I got to go to work." With that I dropped down to Jimin, Tae and Kook's height gave them bunches of hugs and kisses then made my way back to the car. Got in but immediately began to play some music as I made my way to work more than likely about to get chewed out. 

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